dose any1 have a boyfriend that cheeted on u? plz answer this Q! well what do u think is he cheeting on me?
2006-03-11 09:26:25 UTC
dose any1 have a boyfriend that cheeted on u? plz answer this Q! well what do u think is he cheeting on me?
Thirteen answers:
2006-03-11 17:49:42 UTC
Her boyfriend is probably her cat. Yes, anyone who has dated you has cheated on you. And yes, anyone who dates you will cheat on you.
2006-03-11 10:23:02 UTC
my x of 4 yrs cheated on me. womens intuition is usually right. But ask yourself this ... if you feel this so strongly that you would ask others their options then you are already experiancing doubts/fear/mistrust/. Think of this .. if you asked him if he was cheating on you and he said no would you ever believe him or would you still have doubt fear and mistrust. If you answer yes to this, then you need to move on. You will never be happy in any relationship if their isnot trust. Also the more you think about it and run scenerios through your head about what could be or could have happened will only be taking you around in circles. IF he did cheat on you unless he is really honest .. he probally wont tell you. you wont find out the answer more than likely. Save your self the trouble of spending the time staying with him thinking you will eventuall fiqure it out or "change him" I waisted 4 yrs of my life like that.
2006-03-11 09:32:50 UTC
Usually, my gut feeling on the matter is that if I think he did, then he probably did. I have had a couple of ex-boyfriends cheat on me, and I knew it just from instinct. Guys can really be dogs about it, and some have really no conscience about it. (well girls too but not so bad I think). If you can't trust him kick him to the curb and don't look back. In this age of std's and stuff, don't take a chance with your health, physical or emotional.:)
Fitchurg Girl
2006-03-11 09:30:45 UTC
Often ,if we think it, then it is. I knew when my man did, and I told him that if he stood any chance of maintaining a friendship with me, then the next words out of his mouth better not be such that he is trying to insult my intelligence. They often do not realize how strong intuition really is for us. We women are born with it in order to protect our "herd" and the homefront.

If you feel that you are not over reacting, and that you have a handle on this, go ahead and approach him about it.

Be prepared for possible denial. He may not want to hurt you. be strong, and get to hte bottom of it. I hope that it's all a mistake, and if it is, then at least you'll find out what was causing you to question it.
crystal & benjamin
2006-03-12 20:16:46 UTC
Ignore the girl above me, seems like she is mean to you in every no attention dear. Listen, you are still a child, I wouldn't worry about it if I were you, it would be different if you were even over 14 or 15, but clearly you are not, so don't worry about it. There are lots of guys out there!
2006-03-11 09:28:09 UTC
If you have to ask, maybe he is.

By the way you spell (AIM Speek?), I'd say you shouldn't be too concerned, get back to your studies and wait until summer break to look for another guy.
2006-03-11 10:35:13 UTC
Uh, why is this under "Cats"? If you want some real answers to your question, my advice would be to not use chatspeak and to ask this question under love&romance. Best of luck to ya!
2006-03-11 10:29:10 UTC
my husband cheated on me. its hard to catch a cheating spouse. i watched mine like a hawk and still i didn't know until he told me. i felt like a fool. face it most of the time we never know. if he treats you bad leave him if hes good to you count your blessings and put it out of your mind until you have proof.
2006-03-11 15:40:33 UTC
Unfortuantely, yes I have been cheated on!
2006-03-11 09:52:02 UTC
I did once but when I was sure, I divorced him.
2006-03-11 15:38:52 UTC
Ummm...and this pertains to cats how???
2006-03-11 09:27:52 UTC
sorry honey need more details than that.
2006-03-11 11:34:42 UTC
wat does that have to do with pets?

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