My cat has diarrhea....plz read! :(?
2011-11-09 06:15:53 UTC
I found my cat 1 week ago and i took her to the vet and he gave her a shot and he said she is ok...anyways,
i used to give her normal food (human food) fish, chicken milk etc..
and she had diarrhea (Im new to cats.. i thought it was normal) but now its been almost a week
& shes still having diarrhea
so i bought her cat food and shes still having diarrhea plz tell me wat to do :(
p.s she is really active she likes to play alot i dont think she is hurting or something

heres a pic of her :
how old can she be?
Eleven answers:
2011-11-09 07:47:56 UTC
Diarrhea in kittens can be very frustrating as there are so many potential causes. But in your case, it may be because you are switching foods too quickly. Feed her a high protein, low carb canned cat food (not fish). For kittens, I like to start them on canned kitten food (chicken). Iams makes a good canned chicken food for kittens. Add a little Hill's W/D to it for fiber. (Pumpkin is fine, it's just that cats don't like it).

You'll need to stabilize her digestive tract before you do anything else. She may also have worms.

Use a good broad spectrum dewormer such as fenbendazole (Panacur) as it also gets Giardia. If there is blood in the stools, the culprit may be coccidia and a sulfa drug (such as TMS) must be used.

Responding in a prompt manner is the key when it comes to fighting diarrhea in cats and kittens. Some of the measures you can take at home while waiting for the vet appointment are:

Feeding plain yogurt with active cultures.

Cooked hamburger and twice-cooked rice mixed together.

Bene-Bac powder- available at any good pet supply store.

GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) Liquid- 3 drops in wet food.

Adding fiber to the diet to see if the stools become formed.

Kitten can become dehydrated quickly, so check for dehydration:

While the kitten/cat is at rest, lightly pinch the scruff of the neck, pull up gently, keeping the cat firmly on the ground.

Hold the scruff for just a few seconds then release.

The scruff should fold down to normal in seconds, if the scruff/skin stays tented up, get your cat to the vet immediately.

You can also check the gums by lightly pressing your finger against the side of the cat’s gums. The gum should go white and then pink up quickly.

If you see streaks of white on your cat’s gums or the gums are pure white or yellow, get the cat to the vet quickly.

The third eyelid (called the yaw) will also show when a cat has become dehydrated.

What NOT to do:

Do NOT give over-the-counter medications to your cat, unless the vet okays it.

Do NOT deprive your cat of food over 24 hours. You can withdraw food for one day to rest the gut, but any longer your cat stands a chance of developing a worse problem than diarrhea.

Do NOT use over-the-counter wormers, or other pet-aids that you think will solve the problem.

Do not self-diagnose your cat.

Good luck.
One of God's Children
2011-11-09 06:28:27 UTC
Looking at the picture she is between 3 -5 months old.

First Milk gives cats diarrhea. It will take a couple of weeks to clear her system. Keep giving cat food. Nursing cats should only get milk but even then it needs to be watered down. I would say wait a few more weeks and stay away from milk, or any human food that contains milk. The best thing for a small kitten is cat food and water. If your having trouble getting the cat to eat cat food but a cap lid full of veggie oil in it. make sure you have at least a cup of cat food.

I love cats and know about them. I have done reports on them in school. I have owned at one time 25 cats. I am a Cat person. So I do know a lot about them. I hope this helps you out.
Molly H
2011-11-09 08:33:27 UTC
She looks like a kitten. she is cute. Is there something going on with her right eye? Hard to tell with the picture it might be just the color of her fur. You found her outside, so there are a lot of possibilities for the diarrhea. iams digestive care proactive health may help, but I'm not sure about feeding a kitten cat food. Please don't give her people food anymore, I am glad you got her some kitty food. Stress can cause diarrhea. It sounds like she has always had diarrhea, so the problem could be a parasite. Your vet will want to see her again. Here are two common parasites:


t foetus : tritrichomonas

check her for fleas, buy a flea comb, they are cheap and you can find them in the pet store.If you got her at a shelter I probably wouldn't have said this, but she was outside.

SMK gave some really good advice

There are a lot of websites out there. if she has fleas, is a good people site and they have a pet section, witch is good, they have a section on litter box problems.
2011-11-09 07:03:25 UTC
she looks less than a year old, but you can never tell for sure. probably around 4-8 months.

about the diarrhea, if your cat was digging in the garbage there would be a big chance that that was the cause. Milk also causes diarrhea for cats and kittens even though they are quite use to it. Giving them human food also causes diarrhea, and a sudden change in food will as well. It's important that a cat with diarrhea keeps drinking and has access to plenty of fresh water. Besides losing fluids, a cat with diarrhea is losing key nutrients called electrolytes that are essential for nerve function. To replenish them, you can give your cat unflavored Pedialyte, an electrolyte beverage designed for infants and children. Mix with his or her water, or give with a dropper.

Relaxation, stress reduction and gentle exercise (take your cat for a walk on a leash and harness, if she likes it) may be all that are needed to clear up an attack of loose stools. Avoid the temptation to use over-the-counter diarrhea products designed for humans, unless your vet specifically tells you to. Stop feeding the new food if you've recently switched cat foods. The food may contain something your cat is sensitive to. In addition, many pet foods, even some top brands, contain ingredients that may further irritate your cat’s intestines if she has diarrhea. These ingredients include dyes, artificial preservatives and animal by-products.

Feed the cat a small portion of plain yogurt. Normally dairy products are not something to give a cat with diarrhea (cheese and milk can cause diarrhea in cats). However, yogurt contains bacteria helpful to the intestines. Cats with intestinal bacteria imbalances will often develop diarrhea. Yogurt sometimes solves minor diarrhea within a day.

Feed only bland foods until diarrhea has stopped. Chicken (human grade) and rice are good for most cats with minor diarrhea. Boil chicken breast, drain it and chop into small pieces. Cook a small amount of rice and mix this with the chicken. If the cat won't eat it, freeze the food to use later.

Withhold all food for one day (if the cat is an adult). Doing this rests your cat’s digestive system. Make sure to leave out plenty of water for your cat, however. When the diarrhea has passed, feed the cat bland foods and gradually introduce her regular food.

I hope your cat gets well soon and good luck!
2016-02-26 02:05:45 UTC
What an absolutely amazing cat! I have never heard of a "spoiled" cat before, or one that can give a person a "dirty look" when the cat is not fed exactly the ideal and bestest meal possible! Your cat is a rare genius, and probably can not only read and spell, but you may want the cat to consult with the generic tuna folks on improving the quality of their labeling. Perhaps you could act as your cat's agent in this matter, and earn a small commission for your troubles, and then you will be able to upgrade your cat's food to the Starkist Albacore Tuna that he so richly deserves to eat each and every time he wants it.
2011-11-09 06:26:10 UTC
Make sure the cat gets watered food and dry food ,

He´s probably sick from the shot, as a street cat he or she is probably infected with some Bac´s.

As long as you feed the cat normally ( Morning and Night , Never let a cat have food at midday) it will be ok. The Diarrhea will probably hold on for a while ,

I think he is pretty young but can´t make it up from the picture. he is pretty small , but as is WAS a stray cat it could be also he is somewhat older than average.

Remember : Feed him twice a day , enough water , probably a young cat so also give him some milk but not too much becouse cats will become fat pretty fast. And make sure to get him a toy to play with , excercise is good for the cat, IF the Diarrhea holds on for 2 weeks make sure to see a doctor.

Hope it helps.
2011-11-09 06:25:13 UTC
1. Do not give milk to cats, it will cause diarrhea.

2. Give her some canned plain pumpkin to firm up the stools. Many rescues use it for that purpose.

@Jeff- Shut up, I'm correct and you're just trolling and being a dick because you hate me for some reason.

Edit: Your response was completely and unnecessarily rude. I really don't care what you think, but PLAIN CANNED PUMPKIN IN SMALL AMOUNTS has worked just fine for me to bulk up a cat's stools. I was speaking from experience, not Google.
2011-11-09 07:05:25 UTC
Cow milk causes diarrhea in cats -you can purchase cat milk very cheap at most grocery chains. Also could be wormer causing it. Give her lots of clean water and dry cat food, people food is not good for cats either, though one of mine eats it, he also eats cat food.
2014-12-06 12:19:02 UTC
Pumpkin is high in fiber but also absorbs water it is used for constipation and for diarrhea both. To say it is only for constipation is WRONG. But dont take my word for it, look it up. Very jitty comment turbo.
2011-11-09 06:42:54 UTC
In response to the last post given for you. DO NOT give your cat canned pumpkin. It is a LAXATIVE for cats and would only make things worse. Google it many people use it for that.

@guppy: i'm sorry i hurt your feelings...but i've had a cat that showed many many symptoms of constipation, and i also heard they used it in the humane society, but for the reason i said, a LAXATIVE

Example:(animal planet TV show) Ferret at pennies and it couldn't pass them. The lady proceeded to give it plain pumpkin pie and it passed it no problem.

That being said i searched for info on it and confirmed it, before i used it myself. i turkey basted plain pumpkin pie into his mouth upside down, cuz he was not eating. After giving him a decent amount we waited and monitored his stool, and sure enough in a day he finally passed a small amount of thick stool followed by lots of very very runny pumpkin pie looking stool. He was very old so he no longer covered his feces so we could see it clearly.


The only reason why i snapped at you was because of this info. i will show better judgement next time. thank you for reading
linda m
2011-11-09 06:24:24 UTC
Cut out all dairy milk and foods they willcause this even tho the vet gave her shots she could have worms which will also cause this.Give it a higher quality food with animal meat as your first ingredient and change over slowly,kittens require kitten foods. age est. 4-5 mos. the vet could have told you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.