You have to scoop your litter box, preferably once per day, because your kitty might decide to use something else to pee in when the box is too dirty for her. You don't want her peeing or doing her duty on the rug because the box is dirty! That's much worse to clean up! So keep the litter box clean for a happy kitty and a happy owner!!
I've done the "safe to flush" litter - which left stains in the toilet, but otherwise worked well, just don't put too much in with each flush or you'll stop up your toilet. It's easier if you have room in the bathroom for the litter pan.
I don't care how many grocery bags you put the cat poop in - if you leave it in your garbage can, it will stink.
Best recommendation: I now have a Litter Locker and that's by far my favorite. It's like a diaper genie for cats! Scoop into the locker, roll the bag, scoop more. Lasts about a week at a time for me because I have 4 cats. When it's so full that you can't roll it anymore, time to empty it into the trash. You cut the bag with the embedded cutter, tie off the end, and then throw it away in the trash. Very clean! So you could time it to empty it into your garbage to take outside on garbage day. Otherwise, you don't get any smells from it at all. The locker has refills you have to use for the plastic bag part - and you can find them at any pet store usually. Even in the US sells the refills now, and gives bulk discount for buying more than 5 at a time. Genius! I added a link to one kind of litter locker from Amazon. They have one or two varieties that are made, any should work well for you.
Good luck!