Question about scooping out cat litter?
2008-06-28 06:56:19 UTC
Im going to be getting a cat for the first time and I have some questions about the litter box. People say to scoop it out if you dont want to smell it, but heres the thing.. even though I may not be "smelling" it in the litter box anymore, wont I be smelling it from my trash bag? I cant just take the garbage to the dump everytime I scoop...
22 answers:
Gail P
2008-06-28 07:05:01 UTC
Scoopable cat litter is the way to go for odor. I have one cat and I scoop it about every other day into a small plastic bag and then put it in the garbage bag outside the house. I've never had an odor problem. Also, if you have a PetSmart by you, you can buy a 20 pound container of scoopable and then bring the empty container back in for refills which are very, very reasonable.
2008-06-28 15:55:31 UTC
The trick is to get all the used litter (wet and poop) out of the house. If you put it into your kitchen trash you'll smell up the house.

We have 5 cats and no box smell. I use the plain unscented litter from WalMart, and scoop whenever the surface has been disturbed--but it still takes me less than 35 seconds a day to 'clean' the box.

Keep an old, empty cat food bag for this--it's plasticized inside and won't break if the litter gets it wet. Scoop the box, put it into the bag, crimp the top down. Add to it when needed, and when the bag is half full, or once a day if that's easier, walk it outside and put it into the dumpster out there.

Don't use regular plastic bags from the store, they don't always have bottom seams completely sealed and will dribble litter everywhere. The empty cat food bag works fine. I just dump it, bring the cat food bag in and set it back next to the box. When it gets dirty enough, I replace it with a newly emptied cat food bag.
2008-06-28 08:10:37 UTC
You have to scoop your litter box, preferably once per day, because your kitty might decide to use something else to pee in when the box is too dirty for her. You don't want her peeing or doing her duty on the rug because the box is dirty! That's much worse to clean up! So keep the litter box clean for a happy kitty and a happy owner!!

I've done the "safe to flush" litter - which left stains in the toilet, but otherwise worked well, just don't put too much in with each flush or you'll stop up your toilet. It's easier if you have room in the bathroom for the litter pan.

I don't care how many grocery bags you put the cat poop in - if you leave it in your garbage can, it will stink.

Best recommendation: I now have a Litter Locker and that's by far my favorite. It's like a diaper genie for cats! Scoop into the locker, roll the bag, scoop more. Lasts about a week at a time for me because I have 4 cats. When it's so full that you can't roll it anymore, time to empty it into the trash. You cut the bag with the embedded cutter, tie off the end, and then throw it away in the trash. Very clean! So you could time it to empty it into your garbage to take outside on garbage day. Otherwise, you don't get any smells from it at all. The locker has refills you have to use for the plastic bag part - and you can find them at any pet store usually. Even in the US sells the refills now, and gives bulk discount for buying more than 5 at a time. Genius! I added a link to one kind of litter locker from Amazon. They have one or two varieties that are made, any should work well for you.

Good luck!
2008-06-28 07:06:16 UTC
Having 4 cats of my own, I know a thing or two about a litter box, I have three of them to keep clean.

First of all, if this is your first and only kitty, it won't be that hard to keep it clean, and yes, clean it when you are ready to take it to the garbage outside.

I clean mine twice a week. I have several small garbage cans around the house. One is right next to each litter box. I scoop the dirty stuff out into the small bagged can, tie the bag and take it to the large trash can in the other room. I do this to each box twice a week, and my house does not smell like cat. I just would not stand for that, a house should smell clean.

So take it from an old pro at this, you have nothing to worry about with just one kitty, good litter (Fresh Step with Cedar), a scooper and a small trash can with liners.
2008-06-28 07:22:16 UTC
I have the same problem, and, my landlord takes my trash as its included in my lease agreement, so trust me, he wouldnt love the idea of me putting a trash can out on his precious property and then have to take a big bag full of my cats business to the trash.

So what I do is, deal the best I can during the warm months, and when it gets cooler/cold, I move my trash bucket out on my enclosed porch that I close off when it gets cold and just throw it in there with the rest of my garbage. Yes, it sure does smell at times, but the plastic bags suggested by others helps control it, I also use a very tight lid. Helps keep the smell down, and the best part is, I dont smell it unless Im in there.

If you dont have a room like me, then try the flush away litter. :)
2008-06-28 07:23:56 UTC
There is a litter called World's Best (not sold in the grocery stores, you'll need to get it at a pet store) that is actually flushable and safely flushable, unlike most litters. That might be an option for you. The also make a storage device called an odor locker - you scoop the cat litter into it, and it supposedly contains the smell until you can empty it into the outside trash.
2008-06-28 07:06:16 UTC
That's part of having a cat! I even have to keep the cat litterbox in my bedroom ;P

What I do is hoard shopping bags. Like, plastic bags from the grocery store, underwear store, clothing store, anywhere. I double bag 'em and scoop it up and toss it out. You wiiiilll smell it if you just dump it in your trash.

Another option is the flushing litter, if you keep your box in the bathroom ^^ It is a very convenient way to do it as well :3 However, you'll have to change the litter a little more often since the urine does not clump and will end up mixing in with the clean litter somewhat.
2008-06-28 07:02:57 UTC
I have 3 cats and use scoopable little. The trick is to scoop the litter box out the same number of times per day as the number of cats you one. I scoop the box four times a day and use double plastic bags to dispose of the litter in the trash. From my experience, this pretty much keeps the odor problem in check. Good luck and God bless.
2008-06-28 09:18:27 UTC
I use a Litter Locker. It's basically like a diaper genie, but for cats. It has an odor barrier bag, and everytime you dump in kitty waste, you turn the dial and the waste gets stored in the container until you're ready to take it out on trash day.

It really does hide the smell, and it's so clean and easy to use. Just scoop, and dump! I have 2 cats and the refills last me about 2 months (and they cost about $7.99 at my local pet store).
2008-06-28 07:01:22 UTC
Thats the thing about having a cat. My mother in law has 2 ragdolls and when they are out of town, I go and feed them and I have to scoop the litter box and bag it and take it outside to the trashcans there, everytime.
2008-06-28 08:07:32 UTC
well what you should do is buy a scooper and then what you do is take the scooper and runn it thru the cat litter and do that till you are finnished and cleaned the whole litter box is cleaned up then i would throw it away in to the the garbage can compony trash can then that way it does not stink up the house and it makes the air cleaner but it does not make the trash can smell clean though but it does make a big difference i hope you use my advice and thanks for taking time out of your busy scuedule for reading my advice
2008-06-28 07:31:21 UTC
Well when does the trash guy come around? Clean the litter the day before and put it outside.
2008-06-28 07:24:18 UTC
I scoop the box everyday and use plastic grocery bags to place the waste in. You can double up the bags for extra protection. That should be enough to prevent an odor and you can place the plastic bag in with your regular garbage.
John T
2008-06-28 07:02:58 UTC
what you can do is to put the litter in a plastic bag and then put it into the garbage and you wont be able to smell it, Also there are different types and brands that work better than others. I useually get the odor absorbant kinds.
2008-06-28 07:12:53 UTC
I scoop it and put it in a zip lock freezer storage bag. This keeps the odor away until I take it out with the garbage.
2016-10-13 11:04:51 UTC
i'm sorry yet your individuals dr is loopy. Cats can from time to time carry a protozoan (parasite) referred to as Toxoplasma gondii, of their intestines. while the cat is going poop, the cysts of the parasite come out too and into the cat muddle. while the guy emptys the field, the cysts can generally circumstances get blown into the air and the guy can ingest them. those parasites can pass the placenta and reason misscarriage, stillbirth, or organ harm to the fetus. for familiar human beings, this is many times no longer a situation, yet for the fetus this is a extensive situation orf course. Her dr probable says its ok because of the fact he has seen the ultrasound and there is not any longer something that he can see is incorrect with the toddler, besides the incontrovertible fact that the cat can get contaminated with this parasite at every time. So she might desire to continuously be careful.
emma h
2008-06-28 07:06:11 UTC
i use nappy bags to put his doings into and then i put the nappy bags in the wheelie bin straight away.

also, I spray the fresh litter with a spray from the pet shop, which activates a formula when he "goes" so it doesnt smell

no mess

no smells


good luck xxx
Matt T
2008-06-28 09:14:26 UTC
Feline Pine scoopable sounds like it would be right up your alley. I use it and love it. It's just pine sawdust, so it is biodegradable and flushable, it blocks the smell of ammonia very well, and has no perfume of its own...when it is fresh, it smells like wood.

It can be harder to find in stores though, so you may have to order it online.
2008-06-28 07:22:30 UTC
it most likely won't smell in the trash bag surrounded by plastic and other trash
2008-06-28 07:02:54 UTC
Fresh Scoop has a nice flushable litter.... you scoop and flush it... or you can always dupm it in an outdoor trashcan... much easyer
2008-06-28 07:29:50 UTC
you might take it along in a plastic bag each time you leave the house.
♥Pretty♥ ♥Kitty♥
2008-06-28 07:03:48 UTC
Tie it up in a plastic bag.

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