Oh yeah... a cat would be perfect for you. Cats are pretty good to have when your not home a lot. When you are home, just shower your cat with attention. I recommend you get a male cat. They are very lovable.
You don't have to do anything special for a cat in your room. (Your printer is fine.)
Cats LOVE to play. If you have room... put a climbing tree in a corner of your basement room. Just find an old tree branch that you cut to fit your space and prop it up to where it is very stable and won't fall over. Get one of those hooks for the ceiling and tie the thing up with rope. The more rope you use the better... as they like to play with the rope as much as they like to climb the 'tree'.
Give them dangly things for them to play with and destroy or kill. They think they are very mighty, especially when they are kittens, and they have a need to show a shoe lace or a ball on springs that they are the KING of the world. They will play constantly when they are little.
***I recommend that you do NOT have your cat declawed. The cavity left where the claw once was can get cat litter trapped inside. It hurts them and makes them defenseless. I hate when people have their cats declawed. I think it is cruel.
The thing that my cat does that makes me nutzo, is when I am typing... he will lay on the keyboard....lol. He is fat and this is a problem, as my fingers get crunched into the keyboard. Hee Hee.... But it is then that I realize that he just needs me to pet and scratch his neck for awhile.
Okay... so back to you....
Buy these things:
Two small bowls, one for water, one for food.
Get a small metal trash can with a lid. Keep his food in this because if not, he will rip the bag open and food will spill out everywhere.
Buy a litter box... with plastic litter box liners.... and a quality clay litter. This will need to be emptied every three to four days so use the litter sparingly. Only fill the litter box half full to save on litter. (Even less when in 'kitten stage') The bigger the cat becomes the more litter it will need to have in the litter box.
Put a plastic runner under the litter box. These are the clear things you lay down with the spikey things on the bottom to protect a carpet from getting worn by doorways and such. This is good under a litter box so that you can sweep up and wipe off around a messy litter box.
Do not give your cat table scraps.
Do not give your cat milk.
Just feed them dry cat food and water.
A little nibble every now and then of table scraps won't hurt a thing, but it really isn't good for them, so try not to make a habit of it.
I like Meow Mix cat food. You can buy the really expensive stuff, but it really isn't necessary.
You need to make sure your cat ALWAYS has plenty of water because cats are prone to have kidney problems. WATER IS A MUST. In your situation... you might want to keep ice trays around and just put them in a bowl to let them melt all day. That way your kitty will have fresh water all the time.
Here are some websites to help you from the Humane Society:
The HUMANE SOCIETY of the United States
Protect Your Pet from Common Household Dangers
Keep Your Pets Safe on Halloween
Allergies to Pets
Pet Adoption Information..
This site will take you to all these important topics:
Caring for Your Cat: The Top Ten Essentials
Cat Behavior Tip Sheets
Common Cat Hazards
Communicating with Your Cat
Declawing Cats: More Than Just a Manicure
Favorite Hiding Places
Feeding Your Cat
Fence Me In
How to Trim a Cat's Claws
Keep Your Cat Safe at Home: HSUS's Safe Cats Campaign
Keeping Your Cat Happy Indoors
Keys to a Healthy Cat
Supplies That Every Cat Household Needs