2010-04-03 19:20:26 UTC
My kitten was born in August, making her 9 months old. She is the smallest from her litter and the only one to become really sick. I took her to the vet and had 3 virus tests completed on her, a heart examination, her teeth checked, and a blood examine.
The vet cannot find anything wrong with her. When we first got her, she had lots of spunk, and personality. She was so loving and caring; we cuddled her to bits. She would climb up and down peoples legs and play all the time. In January suddenly she got very sick. She drools like a running facet. On top of having a temperature for awhile she also became..whats the word...lethargic. Barely moving, and the drool!! The drool also has a bad smell. The vet can't find anything wrong!!
When she is on antibiotics she is fine for awhile, but it seems that her body builds anti-bodies against the medicine and she goes back to drooling and barely moving. But when she first starts the anitbiotics she is back to her normal self..almost.
Please, someone help me. I do NOT want to put her down, shes just a baby! There has to be more I can do!! Has anyone had this happen before?