American Self-help Sourcebook
Search Term = 'pet'
Epilepsy Foundation
Information and support for people with epilepsy, their families and friends. Publishes Epilepsy USA magazine and a wide range of informational materials for people of all ages. Referrals to local affiliates (many of which have employment related programs). Information and referrals.
Angelman Syndrome Foundation, Inc.
Mission is to advance the awareness and treatment of Angelman syndrome through education, information, reasearch, advocacy and support for affected individuals with Angelman syndrome, their families and other concerned persons.
Gluten Intolerance Group of North America
Mission is to increase awareness by providing accurate and up-to-date information, education and support to persons with gluten intoerance, celiac disease/dermatitis herpetiformis, their families, health care professionals and the public. Offers e-mail support, news magazine ($35), information and referral, conferences, guideance to those starting groups, group development guidelines and cookbooks.
Celiac Sprue Association/United States of America, Inc.
Provides educational materials on celiac sprue, dermatitis herpetiformis and basics for the gluten-free diet to patients, parents of children and professionals. Children's camp in August in Rhode Island. CelKids network. Provides opportunities for support groups and networking with patients and professionals. Newsletter and annual conference. Group development guidelines.
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
Offers support for those who have lost a pet. Site has chatrooms, local support groups catagorized by state, counselors, pet chaplains, hotlines and coping with euthanasia. Support for children coping with pet loss. Site includes E-cards, newsletters, memoriam, events and training programs.
Peter's Anomaly Support Group
Support for families of children with Peter's anomaly. Message board and forum. Many useful links.
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Pet Loss Grief Support
Moderated board that offers support and understanding for persons grieving the loss of their pet or who have a pet who is ill. Provides personal support and thoughtful advice. Also offers "Monday Pet Loss Candle Ceremony," chatroom, tribute pages and other resouces.