i have 11 cats and 12 dogs but i am not earn that much money to look after them.what should i do? please help.
2006-02-18 11:51:40 UTC
i have 11 cats and 12 dogs but i am not earn that much money to look after them.what should i do? please help.
Nine answers:
2006-02-18 12:06:43 UTC
call the local shelters and ask for their helpo in findin good homes for them
2006-02-18 20:03:01 UTC
The best thing to do would be to take them to a humiane society or an animal shelter where they have the oportunity to be adopted to a wonderful family. Assuming none of them are mean or ferral(wild cats) they should all be adopted. They will be very well cared for until they find homes!!!!
2006-02-18 19:54:04 UTC
Where you can, put up flyers. Put an add in the paper. Take them to Wal-Mart and offer them in the parking lot. Not everyone wants a baby animal.

I hope this helps.
2006-02-18 20:02:36 UTC
If you are wanting to give them up, most towns now have animal shelters that are no kill. They will give them the proper care they need and then find homes for them
2006-02-18 21:12:17 UTC
Ok.... 23 animals. Wow. Find some friends to take them. It wouldn't kill them to be seperated. And after that, NEVER live in that kind of a zoo again.
2006-02-18 20:01:34 UTC
I would look in your local phonebook for the local animal shelter and ask them to take them off your hands. They are prepared for that kind of thing.
2006-02-18 19:54:07 UTC
If you are trying to give them away. Try to put them on Otherwise....I wouldnt know what to tell you. That's a lot of pets that need nourishment and love.
2006-02-25 02:51:18 UTC
If you can't afford their care then I would take them to the shelter or find homes for them. don't get caught neglecting them or they will be taken from you and you may go to court.
2006-02-18 19:52:54 UTC
why did you take all them in?you could get a part time job.give them up if you cant provide for them it is unfair for them

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