2008-09-17 20:39:09 UTC
there are so many reasons not to sell them this young! for starters it can damage their health, physically and mentally.
it can affect how they socialize,
and it can create permanent behavioral problems.
at 6 weeks they are the equivalent to about a 2 year old human.....
does anyone else feel the same? i would like to try and encourage people to hold onto their kittens a little longer... to make sure they have a happier life.
if everyone in the country did this i think it would reduce the number of abandoned cats and ones in shelters.....
this would only happen if there was a law brought in for this. i think in America there is a law that the kitten must be at least 8 weeks, i think this is still too low.
do you think that 6 to 8 weeks is fine? that it is enough time for the cat to develop?
please read this article and then tell me your opinions:
i think 12 weeks is ideal. if not a bit longer. i got my last kitten at 15 weeks and he is a little softy! i think there is a difference.
thanks for your time everyone!