My kitty died and I'm devastated?
♥Pretty♥ ♥Kitty♥
2007-05-16 06:27:40 UTC
Nobody understands and they think I'm a nut because I'm crying. I know it's not very adult to cry like this but I can't stop. Can some of you who understand please pray for my kitty? She was my baby and I miss her so much. I don't think liife will ever be the same again. Thanks.
28 answers:
2007-05-16 06:34:38 UTC
I'm very sorry for your loss and I totally sympathize with you. I know how hard it is to lose a pet that has been a family member to you. It's alright to mourn your kitty. Don't listen to anyone telling you your nuts. It's quite normal. Just remember that you gave your kitty the best life you possibly could and that she was happy when she was alive. Keep her close in your heart and she will never be far from you ever! I will keep you and kitty in my prayers. Take care and again I'm so sorry for your loss.
2007-05-16 18:44:26 UTC
I'll pray for your kitty. My 4 year old dog died of kidney failure when I was a junior in high school (almost 5 years ago) and I still cry when I think about it for too long. I'm sure your kitty and my doggy are playing together in heaven.

If you feel overwhelmed by grief you should ask your vet if they have any resources available to ease your pain. I don't know if all vets offer this service, but mine does.

Your kitty will never leave you. Charlie became my guardian angel when he passed away, and your kitty will become yours until you are reunited at the Rainbow Bridge.
2007-05-16 13:40:37 UTC

I am very sorry for the lost of your kitty. I am a huge animal lover and I cry for any animal that has gotten hurt or died. I will pray for your kitty and keep the faith. :-) It will get easier. I have had so many house pets die throughout my years and I still get very sad when I think about them Just know that your kitty is in a place now, where she/he is not in pain and living the good life!! Playing with other kitties and watching down upon you. :-)

You should find this poem called: "The Rainbow Bridge" It is such a sweet poem...sad but very sweet. :-)

Feel Better!!! It will get easier. :-)
2007-05-16 14:17:55 UTC
My beautiful cat Akey died a 16May06, My heart was broken and felt so sore, I just could not stop thinking of him, my baby was gone and I am an adult too. Today is the aniversery of his death and the pain is still there, tonight I will light a candle for him. I will definately pray that god is showering your kitty and Akey with all his love.

Its so normal to love a pet a family member, look at Oprah Winfrey and her beloved dogs.
♥[MUS!C !S L!FE]♥
2007-05-16 15:38:27 UTC
I will pray for you and your kitty, I know what it's like to lose a kitty, especially when you don't know for sure how he or she died. One of my kitties died a while back and I cried, and my step dad cried, and my mom cried. I'm going to really cry when my inside kitty named Peeka-Boo dies, because I've known him since I was born. He's a purebred Silpoint Persian without the flat nose. He's I think about 16 now. Your kitty is VERY cute!
2007-05-16 14:09:51 UTC
You absolutely have every right to be devastated! I'm terribly sorry for your loss. Some people who have never had a close bond with a pet cat just don't have any concept of how much joy, love, and devotion they can bring into our lives. Don't worry about what those people think - go ahead & mourn as much as you need to. My oldest cat passed back in 2001, and I still miss her, though I do love my other cats. Her ashes are in a decorative box in the living room, with her picture in a built-in frame on the lid.

You may want to read the poems and memorials on this site:

Also, has a wonderful Rainbow Bridge memorial forum (follow the links to their forums), where you can post a tribute to your dear baby - there are lots of caring people who visit that site, who understand just how precious the love of a cat can be.

The Delta Society also has a page with links to pet loss support programs - go to and follow the pet loss link.

When you're ready, you may find it comforting to make up a scrapbook or shadow box tribute to your cat - going through pictures and thinking of all of the happy memories you've had with her, and of all the joy and peace she brought into your life, may help you to start thinking more of the good times you've had together, and less of the pain of her loss.

My heart goes out to you - I'll say a prayer for you & your sweet baby.
2007-05-16 13:37:27 UTC
Oh, that is terrible! Whoever thinks you are nuts for crying for your beloved pet is a monster! It has nothing to do with being an adult, it has to do with the unconditional love and joy a pet brings to your life.

I will pray for you and for kitty and just know that soon you will start remembering all of the love and joy she brought you and you will be able to remember her with a smile.

Your grief is perfectly reasonable and you deal with it the way you need to. I lost my kitty five months ago and when I found this poem I made one out of cross stitch and hung it on the wall next to her picture. I hope it is a comfort to you as well:

Four Feet in Heaven

Your favorite chair is vacant now...

No eager purrs to greet me.

No softly padded paws to run

Ecstatically to meet me.

No coaxing rubs, no plaintive cry

Will say it's time for feeding.

I've put away your bowl, and all

The things you won't be needing;

But I will miss you little friend,

For I could never measure

The happiness you brought me,

The comfort and the pleasure.

And since God put you here to share

In earthly joy and sorrow;

I'm sure there'll be a place for you

In Heaven's bright tomorrow...

- Alice E. Chase
Nancy Dynamite
2007-05-16 14:19:53 UTC
I am sooo sorry to hear that! I have went through the same thing with my baby. He passed last fall. I don't think I have ever cried so hard. Especially since we don't know why he died. He acted sick for about 2 days and then he went while I was at work. I came home and found him. I lowered myself to the floor and wept. It was one of the most difficult things I've ever experienced. I will pray for you and your kitty. I will pray that my furkid watch out for your furkid. God Bless You and don't worry about those who make fun of you. Don't even focus on that.
2007-05-16 14:34:03 UTC
I'm sorry to hear this. How old was she? What happened? My thoughts and prayers are with you and kitty. She will not be forgotten. May she rest in peace in kitty heaven, and in your heart forever.

Perhaps put up some pictures of her around the house. Then you will always see her, and remember her.
2007-05-16 13:39:51 UTC
I was upset when my one cat got ran over a week after she had a litter of kittens but you move on eventually. Life is nothing but a come and go process it seems. It will take some time to get past and when you do hopefully you will find a new cat and you will once again be filled with similar joy again. Cats are wonderful I know what you going through.
2007-05-16 13:41:08 UTC
I am so sorry! Grieve however you feel is best for yourself. Don't listen to the others who say you are a nut. You know what you need to do for yourself to heal.

One suggestion do not get rid of items that remind you of her. Give yourself some time then decide as you may regret throwing somethings away.

Also do not adopt another pet until you are ready do not allow well meaning friends talk you into that too early. You will know when the time is right.

Again I am so sorry for your loss.
Carol G
2007-05-16 13:39:44 UTC
You're not alone. I cried when I had to find my bunny a new home before I moved back from California. She was a member of the family, not 'just an animal'. Life won't be the same, but it does go on. I truly believe that beloved pets have a special place in heaven.
Mike Gravel 2008!
2007-05-16 14:11:39 UTC
Ignore the people who call you a nut for crying hun.

I lost my 2 year old cat October a few months ago b/c of all this pet food recall.

He was the love of my life .. my world, my best friend! He was fine one day .. and the next day i was having him put to sleep because of kidney failure.

I'm still very devistated.

But what made me feel better was getting him cremated. I have his remains in an urn with his pic on the front .. i talk to him and visit him everyday.

Very helpful to have him in the house still.

Stay strong hun!! I will pray for you and your cat.

It makes me cry hearing your story. I love cat, i love animals and its very sad to see them go, very!

Everything will be okay, i promise!
2007-05-16 13:51:02 UTC
I know how you feel and it is perfectly normal to grieve over your kitty. I'm really sorry you lost her----and it is one of the hardest things to go through. I lost my Felix in December and I still cry at times over him---I don't think I will ever completely get over the loss.

Have you been to this

You and your kitty are in my thoughts and prayers.
2007-05-16 13:37:56 UTC
::I'm so sorry for your loss::

"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown..."
2007-05-16 13:32:00 UTC
I will pray for your kitty. And I know how you feel my dog that was my baby to me died more than a year ago and I STILL cry.
2007-05-16 14:26:32 UTC
Since you loved her so much, I will pray for her to come back as your granddaughter in her next life.

I am sorry you are so sad and I hope you will get a pair of kittens in a few months. No cat can replace your baby, but there will be a pair of kittens out there who need your love and kindness.
2007-05-16 13:48:20 UTC
I'm so sorry to hear that. i know exactly how u feel.

i had another more painful experience than yours. i was living with my family and i had my little beautiful kitty, LISA, my younger sister did not like kitties and she cries only when she saw her.

so my parents and I decided to take LISA away and guess who will take her? it's me !! that was the most painful feeling that i have ever felt. and i cried that day as never before.

she trusted me , and i cheated on her.

i gave her to a remote relative and i have not seen her again.
Jacqueline M
2007-05-16 13:34:49 UTC
Of course your devastated. Losing a pet is very traumatic. You should adopt a new cat from a shelter. Another kitty is out there waiting for you to love her.
2007-05-16 13:33:59 UTC
Yes I will pray for you, I lost my 1 year old Dog and cried and was so depressed I had to go on anti depressants.

People forget that pet can be like children to some people.

I will pray for you.
2007-05-16 13:37:23 UTC
CERTAINLY I will pray for your kitty--and for you. I understand your grief!!!

When my beloved Princess kitty died I was DEVASTATED!! I was prepared for major grief but I did not realize how PROFOUND my grief would be!

Life will be different -- part of your heart went to Heaven with your kitty. But part of your life will be different in a good way -- becuz -- she was your kitty and she brought you a very special kind of love that will never die.

Tell us what her name was?? (Was it "Pretty"? Is that her picture? What a huggable kitty!!)

I truly believe in the Rainbow Bridge and one day we WILL be reunited with our pets. your kitty has her paw on a cloud and she is telling everyone-- I am saving THIS space for my MAMA!!! <:-)

As for insensitive people, yes I ran across a REAL CREEP, 2 days after Princess died who made fun of me, at my singing group. BUT two wonderful ladies in my group ran up to me and pulled out pictures of THEIR kitties out of their wallets and made me smile.
2007-05-16 13:35:33 UTC
You have provided a wonderful life for your kitty. Take comfort in that.
2007-05-16 13:55:02 UTC
awww im sorry i'll pray for your kitty......

my mom ran over mine and my brother made fun of me for weeks but i didnt care it was my kitty and i love her still
2007-05-16 13:54:55 UTC
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I've asked my furkids who are waiting at Rainbow Bridge to keep an eye out for her and to make her welcome and look after her.

Good thoughts and prayers to you.
2007-05-16 13:52:02 UTC
I'm sorry for your loss....I don't think I could handle it if my cats were to die.

just remember all the good times together, when/if your ready down the road you can adopt another cat. but not till you are ready.
2007-05-16 13:33:08 UTC
may your cat find peace in the heavens
Amy E
2007-05-16 18:08:35 UTC
you have my sympathy!!! i am sooo sorry for you loss.. life will get better, though its hard to imagine it now... my thoughts are with you.
Brittany w
2007-05-16 13:35:13 UTC
get over it

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