In an emergency situation you can supply your cat with needed calories using glucose or dissolved table sugar (half glucose/half sucrose).
The trouble is that you won't be able to get enough calories into the cat that way. A Tablespoon of sugar contains about 45 calories and a cat needs 250-300 per day.
Another problem is cat metabolism. I believe that it requires fat (triglycerides).
And cat nutrition requires relatively large amounts of protein.
Ideally, you should have the vet keep the cat and put in a feeding tube.
If that is out of the question for whatever reason I would forget about the pipette and get several large needle-less syringes from either the vet or a pharmacy.
Prepare a high-calorie food for syringe-feeding.
I would suggest Wellness chicken or turkey canned food pureed in the blender or food processor with just enough water to make it easy to syringe. Make only enough for a couple of days at a time, better to make it fresh daily.
The cat should consume at least 5 ounces of the actual food not including the water each day. You could add a couple of cooked egg yolks to each day's ration for extra calories too.
It will be a miserable chore getting this stuff into the cat. If you want to do this I recommend that you Google "syringe feeding cat" and "force-feeding cat" for videos because it is too involved to describe correctly here.
And be sure you have plenty of clean towels for the actual feeding and plenty of baby wipes for cleaning your cat.