I Also Have a Stinky Kitty?
Cheshire Cat
2006-04-04 13:07:16 UTC
I noticed somebody posted a question about a smelly kitten. Well i have full grown cat that has THE smelliest feces and gas that you could ever smell. I have to clean the litter box every morning and every night. It's a male, full-grown cat. He's not fixed, i feed his dry Indoor Formula Cat food, no people food or anything. Help please!
Seven answers:
2006-04-04 13:23:58 UTC
you may want to feed him another type of food , male cats well some of them when there not fixed will spray yuck the smell of that is worse than cat pee , as for the gas well u need to change his diet to something else just because the indoor formula is supposed to be for indoor cats cause they dont get outside there may be something that is iritating his stomack or even something that is lacking in the food

to change to a new food without causeing an upset to the cats stomack u need to gradully introduce the new food to him , if u r giving him dry food in his dish , what u do is for say if u give him a 2 cup of food in his dish u put 1 1/2 cups of the old food and one cup new food mix it in well so he cant pick the old over the new , do this for a few days , then u decress the amount of old and put more of the new keep doing this untill you are on the new food only then try it for about a month and see how he reacts the gas , runny stools etc
2006-04-04 20:27:14 UTC
Well Im not sure what to say about the feces as you could try changing the diet and see what that does but cat poop does stink really bad and changing the kitty litter once a day is a good idea anyways. You may be smelling his urine since he is not castrated and male. If this is the case you can have hime neutered at your vet and this should help a bit since unneutered male cat pee smells really bad, a lot f cat owners get used to it but if you recognize the smell you can actually smell it on the owners of these cats because it stinks soo much, so if people dont like to get close to you dont take it personal its your cat that stinks. So get him neutered and he will smell less and you wont smell plus he slightly less likely to have painful urinary problems that are expensive to treat. Good Luck. One last option would be to make him an outdoor cat and you wont need a litter box but he risks getting eaten by coyotes and dogs, knocking up the neigborhood kitties, eating endangered species of birds and pooping in your garden but on a plus side this will also decrease his chances for urinary problems
2006-04-04 21:58:42 UTC
First, you need to get him neutered. That will help with the strong Tom Cat urine smell.

Take a stool sample to your vet and let them check for parasites.

Make sure you feed good quality food.
Im not here
2006-04-04 20:36:44 UTC
I asked if I should bathe my cat and the overall answer was yes! I did and he smells much better and will get a bath every month or so
2006-04-04 20:23:45 UTC
get him fixed and switch to a higher quality food with more natural ingredients. Nutro is good, Blue Buffalo, Natural Choice. Read lables, more real meat products, less byproducts.
Sir Chyver
2006-04-04 20:08:59 UTC
I have a stinky dog.
2006-04-04 23:26:03 UTC
try to change its food

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.