Any Cat game ideas to entartain my new ktten?
2007-04-21 17:18:43 UTC
I'm getting a new kitten VERY soon! Does anyone have any good cat games I could play with my cat at home with stuff just round the house? Like string or something?
Fourteen answers:
2007-04-25 05:47:43 UTC
Balls of paper or foil are the best - they chase them around the house and then pcik them up and hide them - its so funny - and any toy that dangles from a stick - get them jumping!
Inundated in SF
2007-04-21 17:30:39 UTC
String is always good--cats like hunting down the elusive and wily string beasties that wiggle across the floor. You can take a piece of aluminum foil and crumple it into a ball--the shiny facets sparkle as the ball rolls around attracting the cat's attention and it's light weight enough to roll without a lot of paw power (can be pounched upon without damage, if it gets squashed or lost, just make another). The cardboard tube inside toilet paper rolls and towel paper rolls are good cat toys. Cardboard boxes--cute doorways and windows, stack them (tape them together well) and cut holes into the sides to create tunnels and multi-level condos (don't go too high with them). A kitten will usually find everything is a toy. You might think of investing in a small laser pointer--my cats still go nuts trying to hunt down that light, do a mighty fine dance trying to catch the light when it's sitting on their paw. Make sure you don't use thread, yarn, rubber bands, small things that might be swallowed (always keep needles and pins safely locked up). Don't use anything that the cat will always associate as being something it can play with--like socks or shoes or stuff that you will eventually expect it not to play with anymore (the cat won't know it's not a toy and will want to continue to play with it).
2007-04-21 19:03:54 UTC
Get plenty of toys to keep around the house so your kitten always has something to do. They love when you dangle string for them to chase (supervised of course) and one of my cat's favorites is a long feather-like toy on a plastic stick. She'll chase that thing for an hour. As a kitten she liked to take bottle caps from my Snapples and carry them in her mouth, hiding them under furniture. And every cat I've ever had loves those little fake furry mice. You can get a whole pack for a few dollars.
2007-04-21 17:22:49 UTC
My female cat loves to play fetch with plastic cable ties. Sometimes she will spend an hour or so wanting to play this game. Our other cat likes have something small and lightweight that he can pat around the room as if he were playing soccer. He also likes tossing things up into the air and then jumping up to catch them. I think you will find most cats enjoy games that closely resemble hunting techniques, such as chasing, pouncing and jumping. Cats also love cardboard boxes and amuse themselves playing hide and seek with those.

There is a great variety of cat toys to choose from, but you will find that just as often, cats will begin playing with an everyday item in the home that happened to catch their interest.
2007-04-21 17:28:46 UTC
Whatever you use, make sure it can't be swallowed by the kitten and supervise it with its toys. We use a simple shoe string with the plastic tips removed. You don't need to spend money, but most cats love catnip. One tip, don't wiggle toes or fingers at it to play or you'll wind up with a nippy kitty that associates body parts with something to chase!
2007-04-21 17:25:25 UTC
Tie something to a piece of yarn (a bell) and pull it around the house. This give a kitten alot of excitment
2007-04-21 17:24:43 UTC
Tie a small tinklebell to a piece of thread, then tie the other end of the thread to kitty's tail. The kitten will twirl round and round as he tries to get the bell! Here's another. Put a drop of cream on kitty's nose higher than his tongue can lick.
2007-04-21 17:59:49 UTC
i have had many kittens, and they can make a game out of anything! my personal favourite is tying a small stuffed animal (i use mini beanie babies) to a string and swing it to them, dragging it around the room, etc. another of my favorite games is bottle cap, where i get a large bottle cap and flick it towards it so it kind of flips.... make sure the cap is big enough so it doesnt try to eat it
2007-04-21 17:31:27 UTC
get a laser light and let it chase the light beam around the house my old cat used to love it or a disco type ball the cats love to chase the moving lights
2007-04-21 18:10:10 UTC
string, feathers, crumpled paper, milk caps, laser lights, hands or feet under a blanket. Kittens are so fun and easy to entertain
2007-04-21 18:00:13 UTC
My kitten loves to play with those little laser lights. She can play for hours and it you just shake the chain on it she comes running.
2007-04-21 17:43:31 UTC
Get a small laser pointer and while she is in an open space point it at the floor in front of her and she should pounce on it you can then move it around in circles and she will chase it.
2007-04-21 17:24:31 UTC
crumple up a smallish piece of paper, and throw it when the kitten is looking, all of my cats (i've had qwite a few,) love that :D:D : ) : ) Congrats on the new kittie :):):D:D


~Otter ♥
2007-04-21 17:22:05 UTC
tie something lightweight on a piece of yarn and teaes him with it

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.