What are you asking?
Please update your question and take more time to type in what you are asking.
I really have no idea what you are asking?
You need to clearly enter your question - use punctuation at the end of your sentences, capitalize the first letter of the first words in sentences, use proper grammar.
Use words, not things like "cried a lot 2"
Does that mean? "cried a lot too" or "cried a lot to"
Pretend you are writing something for school and your teacher will be grading it on the proper use of punctuation, capitalization, and grammar.
I can't tell where some of your sentences end and others begin.
Please update your questions so that we can understand what you are asking and can answer your question.
It doesn't have to be perfect but please try your best.
There are reasons for all the "rules" in the English language - they are used so that people will understand what others have written.
***************** UPDATE *********************
Yes, you need to take the kittens and the mother to a vet.
That's about all you can do. Hopefully the vet can save the kittens.
Please let us know what happens.
You and your kittens will be in our thoughts.