I found a kitten who was about 8-10 wks old a little more than 2 years ago. He kept having swollen glands every 2-3 months and then they would go away, but he never acted sick. He has always been very active and has always had a healthy appitite. He had an upper resperatory infection about 2 months ago and it was cleared with antibiotics but his glands remained swollen. I took him into the vet and he tested positive for Feline Leukemia (ELISA). The vet said he is also highly anemic. I asked what his life expectancy is and the vet said it is hard to tell. Could be days, weeks, a month or if its in remission it could be 10 yrs. Could he have had this disease for 2 years already? He is still acting "normal" having regular bowel movements, eating, drinking and he's active. Is there a way to find out which stage he is at with the disease. I just want some information from someone that has delt with FeLV.
Thank you.