Does anyone out there really love animals?
2006-03-26 13:07:40 UTC
I REALLY love animals. I live with fourteen cats, one hamster, two turtles and one fish. I used to have a dog, a duck, three other hamsters, countless bunnies and fish, a lizard, two other turtles, and three frogs. I love all animals, but the animals I love the most are cats. I would have alot more if I had more money and room in my house.
What animals do you love and why?
Twenty answers:
2006-03-26 13:15:49 UTC
I am still a cat person having owned 5 in the past two years and currently owning 2, but when I found out about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, we immediately looked into it. We now own Charlie, the sweetest little terror of a dog that you could ever see! We also own around 10 fish: 3 guppies, 4 neon fish, 1 giant orange suckerfish, 1 frog (we call him a fish because he is an underwater frog) and 1 black snail.
2006-03-26 21:37:29 UTC
I love Cats, dogs, and Bunnys, right now I have three cats that I have rescued from other homes, I used to own a dog but because I live on the forth floor, it became really hard and unfare to the dog, when I have a home where a dog can run freely i will have a dog and bunny rabbit as well and my daughter wants a horse so i will probably have one of them to
2006-03-26 21:13:12 UTC
I love cats, dogs, and any other furry creature you can think of. I even think squirrels, deer, and racoons are cute and I hate to see them lying dead on the road. I think animals are cute and deserve the right to live. I love all animals and I do mean all.

Right now I have a dog and 2 cats and a fish.
2006-03-26 23:07:51 UTC
Yes!!!! I've got two dogs and a cat, would have many more if I could.. I love cats and dogs. In used to be a cat person, but dogs are much more interactive and great fun too, so now I'm 50-50 cats and dogs.
2006-03-26 21:50:55 UTC
Yes cats dogs turtle fish and a lizard I would also own more if I could my dream would be to have a cheetah
2006-03-26 21:09:52 UTC
I used to be a Cat lady, until I found out I was allergic to them. Now I am a dog lover. I own 2 small dogs. One that is going on 6 yrs old and the other going on 4. They are my kids now that mine are grown. I take them everywhere with me when possible.
2006-03-26 21:39:03 UTC
I'm a dog lover thru and thru.We only have one dog,that lives inside with me and the wife,all the kids are grown and gone,so it's like our child in a way.I would love to have more,but due to space,and time we have to devote to a dog,having more than one would not be the responsible thing to do.
2006-03-26 23:51:00 UTC
i really love animals,i had 6 turttles,3 dogs,alot of fish,14 bids,3 iguanas,2 snakes 1rabbit,and two hamsters.oh ya and 1 farret.thats it i think.

i dont like cats
2006-03-27 00:00:50 UTC
I have two cats and help my friends by babysitting their cats, dogs, and fish. I love Siamese cats best because my grandmother used to raise them with I was a kid.
2006-03-26 21:42:24 UTC
i love any animal, but if i had to choose, i'd say, cheetahs, penguins,horses, giraffes, and guinea pigs. i dont know why, but i just do. i love cheetahs though, because if u train a baby cheetah and be nice to it, then let it go in the wild (say, africa 4 example) it might go to a vivege and live with the people if they let it and it will alwayl be nice to people.

i have a male 10 month old guinea pig named moca, another male 6 month old guinea pig named brego, a female 2 year old girman short haired pointer (dog) named holly, and a nother female german short hair pointer(dog) named aggie.
2006-03-26 21:11:15 UTC
Yes, I seem to have a soft spot for my wife's dog. I'm not an animal lover per se, but this dog is highly amusing.
2006-03-27 12:34:25 UTC
i am.i love animal very much.i has ten cats,six fish,two ducks and five chicken.the most i like is cats because it is so cute.i also like make me fell calm when i see them swimming in the aquarium. but i hate dog and frog so much.
2006-03-26 22:03:16 UTC
all the pets i have at the mo is five goldfish and a dojo loach in my cold water tank and i am doing a animal management course at my college. then am going to uni to do a degree on animal behaviour.

however i love animals and i believe that they are like us and we are like them. at the mo am helping a very poorly lamb being re-introducted back with other sheep to try and keep the lambs live as normal as any other lambs. ;) xx

i love animals xxx
2006-03-26 22:18:43 UTC
Cats are my personal faves. They are independant and can be left alone for several hours, unlike dogs. They are also a constant source of amusement. Mine are hilarious.
2006-03-26 21:13:01 UTC
Yes! i really love animals i have a cat named coco. i had 3 hamsters they all past away but porky the second i have her ashes.i love them but i hate when they die.
arf arf fra fra
2006-03-26 21:11:18 UTC
i do.

the number of animals in my premise dont justify it.

i only got a few fishes and a dog.

though i protect their rights to the fullest.

i am looking forward to creating a zoo in the future when i get my budget right.
bird boy
2006-03-26 21:34:27 UTC
yes! i love animals
2006-03-26 21:10:40 UTC
wow, i love animals but not to that extreme. do you have a real family too?
2006-03-26 22:24:00 UTC
i love cats.... they are sooooooooooo cute. i have one and she is amusing and adorable.....
2006-03-26 22:10:43 UTC
duh you stupid head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! theres a bunch of people who really love animals !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! including meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe you are that stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuppppppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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