how can you tell if a cat is retarded?
2006-03-27 19:35:00 UTC
how can you tell if a cat is retarded?
Eleven answers:
David Styvaert
2006-03-27 19:43:42 UTC
I didn't know that there were cats that WEREN'T retarded. Stupid *** cats.
The Mermaid
2006-03-28 03:41:44 UTC
You see cat's have way's they should act. But to tell if a cat is retarded is when a cat chases its tail or if it runs in front of a car.
2006-03-28 03:40:41 UTC
man for real y do you whant to know this i got a retarded cat and he is special not retarded your mean but you whant to know what my cat does right ok rolls on its back and cant get back on its feet, walks it a striaght line even if it can see theres something in the way o ya and i found out cuase my vet tolled me you should go to the vet if you got a prob
Immortal Goddess
2006-03-28 18:53:42 UTC
how can a cat be retarded
2006-03-28 03:39:13 UTC
If it does not land on its feet and barks instead of meows and does not eat fish it is developmentally challenged (the politicially correct way to say retarded.)
2006-03-28 03:35:49 UTC
Ask it to count to five. It it can't, it's retarded
2006-03-28 03:36:14 UTC
If its running into walls, eating things it shouldn't, shaking, throwing up, making sounds constantly, lack of sleep etc.
2006-03-28 03:37:54 UTC
If It doesn't act like Garfiedld
2006-03-28 03:38:11 UTC
when it does pupid stuff and acts wired
2006-03-28 03:45:26 UTC
when u see him acting retarted,
2006-03-28 04:10:53 UTC
its look

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