Can I eat cat or dog food?
Alex G
2009-01-18 13:46:17 UTC
Can I eat cat or dog food?
Seventeen answers:
2009-01-18 13:50:23 UTC
Sure, but I would want to make sure it's a premium food made of human grade meats. Otherwise you'll be eating all the parts of animals deemed unfit for human consumption. Some of the super poor quality foods have been known to contain cats and dogs that were euthanized in shelters. If you're up for eating chicken beaks and brains, go for it.
2009-01-18 16:31:50 UTC
Absolutely, Just make sure it's not on te recalled pet food list. It might not taste very good, but people do it. Here is a guy that test it in the UK.

There is an actual news clip somewhere of him actually eating it on camera. You can probably find it on youtube or the web.

Bon appetite!
2009-01-18 13:52:04 UTC
I have eaten cat and dog food... it isn't bad 4 U.
2009-01-18 19:15:43 UTC
I ate Cat Chow when I was like, 2. Still alive.

I'd go for something tastier like ice cream or pizza.
2009-01-18 16:17:52 UTC
go ahead try it and give your cat or dog your food.
2009-01-18 13:51:32 UTC
that's not a good idea the crap they put in dog for is not suitable for human consumption i actually switched my dogs to a raw food diet. but hey its your body have at.
2009-01-18 13:50:06 UTC
I'm sure you could, but I don't think it would be very to your liking. Perhaps try it with milk? The nutritional values aren't much different from humans' needs, really.
James H
2009-01-18 13:54:05 UTC
Processed Food...A Slow Poison

Written by JOHN BACKLEY of Meisterhunde Kennels

This article is a result of numerous written letters and phone calls from concerned pet owners as to why our pets do not enjoy good health. Some of the common complaints are lack of energy, skin allergies, flea control, arthritis at an early age, vomiting, epileptic seizures, hyperactivity diet etc. etc. and the big one, why our dogs are dying at such an early age ??

I use Herbs and Homeopathy (Natural Medicine) to treat sick pets, so the thoughts I am putting on paper here are after many years of research and study and working closely with Vets who share my view. I wish to share some of my findings with fellow pet owners.

No doubt you have all heard the saying, :you are what you eat” and that certainly is the case with our pet as well. What our pets ate a hundred years ago was a lot safer, cleaner and better in nutritional value than it is today.

The supermarket and the pet food manufactures do not provide safe food for our pets despite all the clever television commercials that claim their brands are complete. the bagged and canned food billed as complete and a balanced diet, is primarily made up of rubbish, consisting mainly of beef or poultry by-products, what they really mean is: contains - feet, organs, blood, hides, hooves, beaks, feathers, etc., also containing diseased or cancerous animal tissue from cattle or poultry that have been condemned for human use. Blood soaked sawdust from slaughterhouse floors is also considered to be meat and poultry by-product. I have personally witnessed this in progress and when I inquired with the worker what he was doing with all the blood, bone offcuts and intestines he was hosing off the floor etc., he happily said ‘it is dog food mate’.

It is these by-products that comprise of 40% of our pets food. the other percentage of commercial dog food consists of vegetable fibre, grain and chemicals. Vegetable fibre is made up of corn husks, peanut hulls, ground up corn and what a nutritionless waste it is. In many cases it is grain or soy meal which has been condemned from human consumption because of mould debris, odours or bacterial contamination.

Then come the chemicals which are fed to beef poultry and other farm animals. Some of these are hormones and growth induced steroids designed to bring the animals to slaughter earlier. All of these drugs remain in the flesh of the slaughtered animals and are passed on to the pet or humans that eat that flesh.

It seems with pet manufactures that anything goes. And I wonder how many of our pets have died as a result of these slow poisons in the food.

One of the most prevalent of the preservatives is ‘ETHOXYQUIN’. This is used in the premium veterinary lines of dog food as a preservative. People are buying these more expensive foods thinking they are giving their pet a better food. Did you know that ethoxyquin was developed by a rubber company as a rubber hardener and as a insecticide, it is believed to cause liver and kidney disease, caner, immune diseases and skin problems. Watch for this and for B.H.A. and B.H.T. as a particular prevalent pet food hazards and more importantly avoid them.

then come the artificial colourings and preservatives, sugar and salt, which prevent the fat in the food from going rancid, these in turn cause many pets to become addictive to certain foods. How many times have you heard a fellow dog owner say ‘my pet will not eat anything but......’ salt, just like in humans, can be dangerous in large amounts, they may prompt heart diseases and kidney failure which are routine pet killers today. Sugar can comprise as much as 25% of the semi moist dog food packets and dog biscuits. Sugar and salt become addictive, resulting in diabetes, arthritis, cataracts, allergies, overweight, tooth decay and nervousness.

As humans we get sick when eating too much of such processed foods, well so do our pets. I tell you fellow Pet fanciers the connection between poor diets, early death and high rate of chronic disease can not and should not be ignored.

Today’s diseases are chronic and long term, usually involving the slow and painful degeneration of the body by breaking down the body’s immune system. Diseases like cancer, kidney diseases and heart problems were rare 40 to 50 years ago, today they are the top killers of both humans and pets. Have you noticed that more and more of our pets are manifesting human like diseases and are dying in numbers like never before.

The pet food manufacturers are under great pressure and rightly so, to change their ways, and some are now using Vitamins such as Vit.2, E and C, instead of deadly preservatives, but still fall short of what is required for total health.

So read the label, ask questions. To finish off this section I can not tell you what to feed your dogs, I can only share with you some of this information and suggest.

First and for most the dog is a c
2009-01-18 14:08:57 UTC
OMG! Please try cat food and come back and tell me what it tastes like! I've always wondered! Also, tell me if you try the dry or wet. And the brand you try. Thanks!
2009-01-18 14:00:22 UTC
if you want but i bet itll taste very gross. but we got my dog doggie treats and i tasted the cookie and it tasted actually very good
2009-01-18 14:06:39 UTC
You physically can, it's not going to kill you, but why would you want to?
fly by night
2009-01-18 16:32:00 UTC
meat is meat. Sooooo,What ever floats your boat,dude.
2009-01-18 13:50:37 UTC
omg yummy
2009-01-18 13:49:27 UTC
Sure. Try it if you want; you might like it.
2009-01-18 13:50:26 UTC

its probably not the best for you and it might make you sick...

but have at it.
2009-01-18 13:53:59 UTC
eww dont
2009-01-18 13:50:15 UTC
i wouldnt

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.