litterbox problem?
2006-02-03 20:14:46 UTC
my cat who is about 4 years old was living with someone who didnt give her a litter box and just let her urinate on the ground and on things left on the ground like clothes and rugs. now that she is back with me and now has a litter box again she wont use it. i have tried different litters but it doesnt work. how can i get her to use the litter box again instead if my clothes hamper and rugs.and also maybe tell me a spray or something to get her to not go 1&2 everywhere she has already gone.and also i took her to a vet and he said there was nothing physically wrong with her.
Thirteen answers:
2006-02-03 20:24:31 UTC
I'm not sure if this will work but it couldn't hurt to try. Why don't you put rags or clothing that she has already ruined in the litter box on top of the litter. Put her in there every time you notice her going somewhere else and if she does take to it after she's used it a few times you'll probably be able to return to using just litter.

Try a pet store for the spray.

good luck!
2006-02-03 20:22:03 UTC
Cats sometimes do this and your cat may not like using litter at all try letting her out side (make sure she has a collar) Or you may need to train her if she goes #2 then put in in the litter box and put her by it so she can smell it(dont shove her face in it)Then she should get use to the smell and Know where to go.(I had a cat that had kittins and they were using the litterbox after like five weeks)
2006-02-03 23:45:33 UTC
we had a problem similar with one of our cats. The people who took care of him before we got him helped us out with it. You get a big cage (one for a big dog) and put a litter box in it and the cats food and water. place the cat in there and DO NOT let him out. no matter how sad it make you that he is in there (this was a problem i had). You leave him in there for a week. if the cat poops outside the litter box, you pick it up and place it in the litter box, and put the cat in the box as well and take his paw and make him cover it up. this will "re-teach" him how to use it. it worked for our cat. good luck, i know how frustrating this can be. also, Zoro Oder works wonders for pet odor (website below for you). it takes away the smell from anything. you spray it on a freshly soiled litter box and the smell is GONE! i have 3 cats, and they occasionally fight for dominance since they are all males. they mark their territory, and when they do, i squirt them with a water bottle, then use the zero odor on the area they marked. again, i wish you the best of luck
2006-02-03 21:02:28 UTC
try putting her in the box 3 or 4 times a day for a bout 3 or 4 weeks and see what that does, that is how i got mine to use the box
2006-02-03 20:21:38 UTC
Caging your pet as described previously is the most reliable way: put her in a cage with a litter box and food and she will eventually pee and poo in her litter box because she wouldn't want to live in her feces.
2006-02-03 20:19:16 UTC
The peeing might be difficult, but if she poops, you should put the poop in the litterbox, scold her for not going in the box, and show hwe that the poop is in the box.

Eventually, she'll recognize that it's good to go in the box.

Hopefully the peeing will follow.
2006-02-03 20:19:59 UTC
if u see her scratching pick her up and put her in the litter box
2006-02-04 06:58:52 UTC
try puting cat nip in to the mix of litter to attract the cat....also after you do that (I did this to mine) pick him/her up and put your cat into the litter box your self just to let it know that she wont get in trouble if she gose in it!!
2006-02-03 20:22:25 UTC
my kitten will not use a litter box so we just let him out side alot
2006-02-03 20:17:46 UTC
put her in a cage with a litter box and food and she will eventually pee and poo in her litter box bwecause she wouldn't want to live in her feces.
2006-02-03 20:16:50 UTC
Put a little catnip into the mix.
2006-02-03 20:19:52 UTC
its true, the cage thing works. its the cats fault for being lazy
2006-02-03 20:29:38 UTC
get a dog ... the dog will chase the cat , the cat will run away, no more problem

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