What is the best cat breed and why?
2006-03-10 20:34:08 UTC
I need to know because I want to get a cat.
Fifteen answers:
2006-03-11 06:01:07 UTC
I would encourage you to give a home to 'a just plain cat' rather than purchasing one from a breeder.

I have 6 (all rescues) of my own. Each has his/her own distinct personality. Each is special.

Just look for a cat/kitten that takes an immediate like to you. This will go a long way toward establishing a bond between the two of you if the cat chooses you.
2006-03-10 21:09:37 UTC
It depends on what you want from the cat. I mean, do you want a lap pillow or an athlete? Long-haired or short-haired? Are you looking only for a purebred or would a moggy fit the bill? Do you want to pick the cat off the chair or off the walls?

Lap pillows include Persians and other similar breeds. Athletes would include the Siamese or Oriental Shorthair (both very intelligent) and other Asian breeds. From my experience, cats with more "round" body shapes are more likely to be the lap babies, while those with more muscular or lean bodies tend to be more active.

I have 3 cats, all with different activity levels and personalities. I have a Himalayan who is very mellow-- so was her sister. My Birman mix is more active, but my Siamese is a ball of energy! He really does climb walls (and has me doing the same some days). I swear he's part cat, part d*g and part monkey. They're all different, as are all cats, and do*gs and kids--- and each one is "the best cat breed" for different reasons.

Perhaps the question you need to ask yourself is, "What is the best breed of cat for ME?". If you don't want a high-maintenance cat, for instance, then perhaps a short-haired cat is best for you. If you want a mellow kitty, consider one of the "round" cats like a Persian or British Shorthair.

The various cat-fancy organizations have breed standards available on their websites if you're determined to have a purebred. That's a great way to learn about the physical and personality traits of the different breeds. But remember that a "plain ol' moggy" (mixed breed) might be the one who wins your heart. You can find tons of them at your local animal shelter or rescue group. You'll be doing some poor kiddo a huge favor and in return, you'll have a good and grateful friend for years to come.

Check out the links I've provided for some info on different cat breeds. They're a great place to learn about the different breeds and their requirements. Hope that helps.
2006-03-10 21:16:24 UTC
I have an all black, part Siamese cat who's as lovable as can be.

I have a tiger tabby who I call my perpetual kitten.

I wouldn't trade either for anything!!

On a side note, myself, my mom, my sister, and some of my step siblings all have black cats! They have gotten a bad rap due to superstitions. Black cats can be very good tempered and great with kids. They are genetically more disposed to getting overweight though so that needs to be watched.
2006-03-10 22:02:11 UTC
Depending on your personality and lifestyle go with the breed that best fits it. But out of my own four my two mix breeds are probably my most affectionate my other two happen to be Siamese one a chocolate point the other a flame point are only affectionate on their terms not mine
2006-03-10 23:23:37 UTC
I have a mutt-kitty and a Ragdoll. They are polar opposites. My mutt (a tuxedo cat) is stand-offish and elegant and graceful. She's difficult to get to know.

The Ragdoll, on the other hand, is soft, docile, loves to be cuddled, sleeps under my covers and is pretty much Velcroed to me wherever I am in the house. I've linked to a "Ragdoll characteristics" page. My baby looks like the dark-nosed one in the picture.
2006-03-10 20:48:57 UTC
purebred cats tend to have more health problems

best cat to get is a domestic (mix breed cat) from your local ASPCA, SPCA, humane society etc


also farm kittens may have health problems (worms) or risky to not use litter box.
2006-03-10 21:15:24 UTC
Bombays. They are black, (good to show off on hallowween),nice,are lap cats, very play ful,are a little vocal,and live a long time (i have one living at age 16. cats usuallly live to be about 9,10,11:))
Answers (but who has them all?)
2006-03-10 20:43:05 UTC
I personally find Persians and Siamese to be cranky.

I have two pound adopted cats and they are wonderful....

.. but Tabbies are usually the friendliest...
2006-03-10 20:40:57 UTC
I love all cats, pure white cats are fun
inuyasha girl
2006-03-10 20:40:03 UTC
any breed(at least to me!) cuz every cat is very luvable, if they have hair, if they don't. it shouldn't matter. but at least get a cat that doesn't poop a lot, is really nice, and can be played with.
a L a Y N a
2006-03-10 20:40:29 UTC
Any...I always owned barn cats but now I own a Himalayan and he's a mean butt! I love them all.
2006-03-10 20:41:01 UTC
we are siamese if you please... They are the best. Very outgoing and intelligent, always wanting to be with you.. you can find a mix at you local shelter. they are truly "cat-dogs."
2006-03-10 20:38:26 UTC
Mutts, and Himalayans. Very lazy and friendly.
2006-03-11 08:54:51 UTC
tabbys are really friendly!
2006-03-10 20:34:56 UTC
My tiger tabby is GRRRRRRRREAT

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