2010-02-06 21:03:49 UTC
yet, a fortinght back - some fuzzy brown/orange BIG thing.....*i even tried opening my eyes during deep sleep/dream state...but kept falling back into ....deep sleep/dream state( .....noticed it for a split second, walking towards my cats food /water dishes and scratch pole.
Then I could have sworn I heard ferocious meowing and what not.
when i finally awoke - my cat had a huge tail, the size of a bush - and she was PURRING heavily, her body was tense and she looked incredibly lively.
so i picked her up and tried to stroke and pet her, to calm her down - it then dawned on me, what had happened.
the 'big brown/orange entity' that entered my house was infact a fully grown adult fox
its my belief the fox 'ignored' my cat, and went straight for her food - but was thwarted when my cat (naturaly very territorial and fiercely possessive of their boundaries and scent marked owned items...) attacked the fox.
we have a little utility room which i believe, my cat chased this fox out from and tried to engage it in 'mortal combat'.
thank GOD - the fox didnt DECIDE to just retaliate.
otherwise id have had to pay ££££ Vet bills (it was a huge fox, could have done some serious damange to snugglepuss).
but my cat lived to tell the tale - shes a brave felid indeed.
i found my nike air trainer on a garden chair later that morning, way too heavy for my cat to drag - so i figured the fox did this , since foxes are scavengers and not hunters like cats.
last night he came in again - and sadly, i was Zzzz the
the cat and fox had anothre bout of boxing , and this time the fox did a runner.
either this fox is a dangerous threat to my cat - or its not.
what do u make of this ?
is this fox dangerous ?