2009-10-30 10:07:51 UTC
HSUS is not connected with any animal shelters or direct animal welfare activities. Of top 12 HSUS Animal Stories of 2005 (grey wolves, abused tigers, pet cloning, Internet hunting, dove hunts, animal fighting, seal hunts, laying hens, trophy hunting, the HSUS-Fund For Animals merger, Katrina relief and horse slaughter), only hurricane relief had to do with helping Fido or Fluffy as promoted in their materials.
HSUS is devoted to making animal use (including pet ownership) steadily more difficult and expensive. Its main actions divide into: (a) Promoting laws to restrict use/ownership, (b) propaganda in support of such laws, and (c) fundraising/self-promotional actions. You will look in vain for an HSUS action that makes animal use or pet ownership easier, more common, more fun, or more successful.
Specific campaigns include anti-hunting, anti-meat farming and meat eating (the organization's headquarters forbids animal products), anti-pet breeding (it was the chief promoter of the so-called 'Pet Animal Welfare Statute' or PAWS), anti-circus/rodeo, and anti-animal use medical and other research. So is this a good thing or bad thing for America? Life without pets?