My fiance' built a "cat cage" outside of our basement apt window because we felt bad that Mindy (our cat) has been missing out on the sunshine since we moved (we used to live in our own home, now we're in a basement.. very little lighting) So now, she can go outside (safely) and come inside as she pleases. My fiance' hasn't finished building it, but he will tonight.. and I'm starting to worry that Mindy might be able to get pregnant thru the bar spacing? I have seen other stray cats wandering around, I'm not sure on the sexes tho. But is possible for them to get their.. "freak on" thru about 1inch spacing? lol.
And yes, we will be getting Mindy spayed as soon as we can. We just dropped about $450 at the vet for our great dane (she was hit in the head with a baseball, caused some bleeding on the brain) so we're waiting for our finances to recover from that before we add any more bills.
Thank you ;))