As for the litter box, cats are very very clean animals, so as long as they like the litter and the box is clean, they will love using it. If, however, the box becomes too "unclean" for its liking, it might do like my cats, and go find something nice and soft to pee on. So just remember, the box is the most important asset of the cat, and as long as it's a happy, clean, box, there shouldn't be any messes. But don't get upset if one or two happen in some given, extended, time frame; accidents happen. For food, they love wet food, and it's easier to eat, but it's not always the best. After all those foods were pulled off the shelf at stores, especially, you need to be careful of what you're feeding your cat. Dry foods tend to be better because it helps the teeth stay strong and healthy. The best thing would be to ask the shelter what kind of dry food they're feeding it there, so you can keep the food regular when your kitty comes home. If there's one super-comforting thing in a brand new home with brand new people, it's having the same food as before. And if you do want to switch it, make sure you gradually mix the two together. The shock of a food/ habitat/ lifestyle change can be very traumatizing, so keeping the food the same will help a lot. Your new kitty will basically be a homeless child when you bring it home, so give it little kitty areas--the eating area, the sleeping area, the litter box area--and be a comforting, loving, supporting parent. Eventually your kitty will come out from hiding, explore its new home, and be an individual entity. And try to have the kitty see you giving it food and water. The more they realize you care for them, the more they'll love you :)