Im becoming a first time cat owner? ?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Im becoming a first time cat owner? ?
Fifteen answers:
2008-12-20 22:38:39 UTC
Just show her the litter box, she will be fine.

Get some toys for her to play with, a scratching post and a good cat food to eat. Keep clean water out for her all the time. Get a spray bottle of water handy, use it on her when she starts to scratch the furniture. It won't hurt her but will get her attention. Make sure she know her toys are to play with, not your hand. Kitten/cats have very sharp teeth so don't let her get the idea that it is ok to bite you.

Congrats and keep her away from the Christmas tree.
2008-12-20 22:38:21 UTC
When you get her home, put her next to her litter box. She'll know where it is from then on :)

She'll adjust quickly, and im so excited for you!

Congrats on the new pet!
Cath L
2008-12-20 23:02:39 UTC
Well Congratulations on becoming a new kitty mommy. All your questions are very valid and smart questions to ask. There is no such thing as a silly question unless you want to ask them and don't.

(Potty training)...

To potty train your kitty is very very easy. Get a littler pan big enough for your kitty to stand in and turn around in. A nice size will make your kitty real happy. Pit some kitty litter in to it. About 3 inches worth. I recommend getting Fresh scoop because it has a really nice smell and you wont smell your cats business each time he or she goes. Just make sure you clean it out daily. That's very important. When you have your kitty litter in the litter box. Gently pick up your cat and place him or her in to it. Take his or her front paw and swipe it on the kitty litter about 5 times. He or she might not seem like he or she understands what you are doing but trust me! They then know what it is for. Once you see your kitty use his or her box for the first time? Don't make any loud noises or clap your hands for him or her or you might scare him or her in to thinking that he or she is doing something wrong. Just ignore your kitty and be glad that you kitty knows what is expected of him or her. Remember to clean your the litter box daily. Once every week dump out the full amount of kitty litter and wash your litter pan really well. Dry it and put in another 3 inches of kitty litter. This will make your fur baby very happy.

(Kitty proof your house)

To kitty proof your house for your new kitty? What you should do is get on your hands and knees like at your cats eye level and see all the little things he or she can get in to. Electric cords, House plants- some can be very deadly, Cover your empty electric sockets with safety plugs, Anything plastic like plastic paper bags or anything plastic that he or she can chew. Your kitty can choke very easily from chewing on plastic, Any shoes or boots you don't want your kitty to chew on, Make sure your kitty has some kitty toys to play with to keep him occupied so your belongings don't become his or her toys. Any kind of chemicals, discarded razor blades that your kitty can jump up and reach, Invest in a nice little scratchpad for your kitty to scratch on. cats have a need to scratch and you don't want mom and dad's furniture to become your cats scratching post. When you buy a cheap scratch post? Take your cats paw and scratch it on the scratchpad 5 times. He or she will then know what it is for. If you ever see your kitty do something he or she is not suppose to do? Tell him or her No No and remove your cat from that situation and give him or her a kitty toy to play with. If your kitty is a bit stubborn which is normal... Get a clean water bottle and fill it up. Put it on stream flow and say your cats name and then the words NO NO and give him or her a squirt on the back end of his or her little butt. He or she will no doubt move quickly away from what ever he or she was not suppose to be doing. Over a bit of time? Your kitty will soon soon learn what that word means. You can also use a soup can and put a few rocks in the bottom of it and give it a good shake if you don't want to use the water bottle squirt situation. Other then that? Your pretty much well on your way to becoming a wonderful pet mommy. I wish you and your new fur baby a wonderful long lifetime together of love and lots of happiness. Good luck sweetie.

By the way the pictures of you kitty are so so ADORABLE!!!

Cath :o)
2008-12-20 22:41:30 UTC
You don't really need to "kitty proof" your home.....Unless you have some poisonous plants. This time of year, a lot of people have Poinsettias, these are poisonous.

Decide where you want her box. Show her, put her in it. That's all it should take, she'll find it when she needs it.

Just show her love & affection! She will be curious & want to explore, so let her.

She's CUTE!! Congratulations!!
2008-12-20 22:39:45 UTC
make sure she stays away from the toilet paper in the bathroom,

Make sure she cant get to plants,or doesnt scratch up any furniture

so you might want to get her toys to entertain her.

by the looks of it this cat might already be litter box trained.

No shes not scared,shes probably familiar with it and will use it.

No she wont know where it is.thats why she needs to get used to the house & u have to show her where it is.& make sure she has access to it at all times.
2008-12-20 22:44:50 UTC
Definitely get a scratching post. Cats need to sharpen their claws and she will use your couch or tear up your carpet if you don't give her something.

Don't let her drink toilet water, always provide fresh clean water. Toilet water can make her sick from the cleaning products used in it.

Keeping her an indoor kitty will add many years onto her life. If you decide to let her out, you must buy flea medicine ... which is about $50 every 3 months and get her updated on her shots.

Don't overfeed her. Wayyy more importantly, whatever cat food she already is eating, keep feeding her the same stuff. Always. Changing a cats food can make them sick, and cleaning up cat vomit sucks.

Love her and have fun!
2008-12-20 23:27:45 UTC
Since this cat was living in another home, I really don't think you will have much of an issue with her getting used to her new environment.

However, you may want to put her into a closed room with food, water and the litter box when you first bring her home. Many cats are very frightened when they move to a new location and she may run under a piece of furniture and hide. If she is scared, don't force her to do anything - just let her get accustomed at her own pace. Some cats only need a day or two to settle in, some much longer.

I would remove those collars. They can be dangerous on some cats if the cat jumps onto something and it gets hung up on something.

She is very cute. Good luck. I hope you become best friends.
2008-12-20 23:11:15 UTC
She's a pretty cat. Congrats! I have two that look just like her. Just show her where the litter box is and she'll know where it is from there. She's already declawed, so you won't have to worry about furniture, except for the hair. Just leave fresh water for her all the time and keep things she shouldn't get into up high where she can't get to them. Keep her away from plants, some are poisonous, like poinsettas, which I think someone else already mentioned. Good luck and enjoy your new family addition.
2008-12-20 22:46:45 UTC
well make sure not to leave ballons twist ties etc around. make hiding spots high places
2008-12-21 00:32:46 UTC
She's even flirting with the camera. She's a Yum! It's recommended that you graduate a litter box with a new feline in your home. Meaning not far away from where she will graze initially. If she sticks to your room in the first couple of days or hides it needs to be near should food & water. Your going to get alot of advice here on kitty-proofing. Do ask the other caregiver if your kitty has any particular issues, with say...climbing, or chewing electric cords or favoring going behind appliances, etc. I keep plastic child-guard clips on cabinets that pose any danger, like cleaning products or heavy items that could fall or be shaken by kitty investigating. Toilet seat up with any chemical cleaning agent attached, a huge hazard. Non-disposable tolite brushes that are left on the floor & have bleach or any cleaning product residue a problem too. Kittens/cats love to explore the bathroom, make certain that you thoroughly rinse & dry any area you've used a product on! And keep them out while you clean with chemicals. House plants can be a big headache. I don't own them anymore. Most are toxic if they ingest enough.. Some kitties just want to play with them, some want to dig in the base potting soil, some eat them like grass. Despite certain pet friendly sprays to alleviate this or behavior modification, some climb & suddenly that plant you thought was safe on the top of your bookshelf could mean a bookshelf falling on them. Kittens peak at climbing curiosity around 9 months of age, make adjustments to suit your kitten. You'll be able to tell once she's acclimated. Toy's for her should be test driven by you before you buy them....tug on any attached parts, if they give they could be choking hazard. Get hip on quality premium canned foods for felines. A wet canned diet is best (dry food, even the better brands can hurt your cat) as is a grain free diet. When you spend a bit more & buy it by the case you save money latter on as your kitten grows. Many feline/canine diseases such as diabetes, kidney disorder, hyper -thyroid is diet related. IAMS is not a healthy food nor is Meow Mix etc..Anything that is readly available at a human grocery store is McDonalds. There's alot of information on-line. has good info. on top canned premium cat food. I know your only 12 but if you were to imagine having a baby when your an adult, it's along the same lines. You give them appropraite nutrition & listen to the experts. Unfortunitly most vets are not when it comes to proper nutrition & it's another post as to why. Again another thing to research. All the best to you & your new fur baby. Keep asking questions & don't take answers at face give her milk, find out why you should'nt Happy Holidays & sorry this was long...spell check disables with too many words LOL.
2016-04-04 06:20:45 UTC
As for the litter box, cats are very very clean animals, so as long as they like the litter and the box is clean, they will love using it. If, however, the box becomes too "unclean" for its liking, it might do like my cats, and go find something nice and soft to pee on. So just remember, the box is the most important asset of the cat, and as long as it's a happy, clean, box, there shouldn't be any messes. But don't get upset if one or two happen in some given, extended, time frame; accidents happen. For food, they love wet food, and it's easier to eat, but it's not always the best. After all those foods were pulled off the shelf at stores, especially, you need to be careful of what you're feeding your cat. Dry foods tend to be better because it helps the teeth stay strong and healthy. The best thing would be to ask the shelter what kind of dry food they're feeding it there, so you can keep the food regular when your kitty comes home. If there's one super-comforting thing in a brand new home with brand new people, it's having the same food as before. And if you do want to switch it, make sure you gradually mix the two together. The shock of a food/ habitat/ lifestyle change can be very traumatizing, so keeping the food the same will help a lot. Your new kitty will basically be a homeless child when you bring it home, so give it little kitty areas--the eating area, the sleeping area, the litter box area--and be a comforting, loving, supporting parent. Eventually your kitty will come out from hiding, explore its new home, and be an individual entity. And try to have the kitty see you giving it food and water. The more they realize you care for them, the more they'll love you :)
Carol C
2008-12-20 23:04:07 UTC
That's a lovely cat and is not overweight - in the first two pictures, she looks too thin. Sitting on her haunches and facing you shows her with her fur fluffed out, and she is not fat in that third picture. Take her to your vet when you get her - don't wait until there is a health issue. Ask your vet what's a healthy weight.

One toy my cats have enjoyed is a cardboard scratchpost by Cosmic Catnip. The one we have was about $17 and is on a slant on a cardboard frame, with holes in both sides underneath. There used to be a hanging catnip toy inside the box that the cats could bat through the holes. you put a liitle catnip on the cardboard, and then anytime kitty exercises her claws on furniture or a curtain, just take you over to the cardboard to scratch. The other favorite toy is a long, FLEXIBLE wand (stiff ones can cause hurts by accident) with feathers on a string. You can buy other toys for the tip to use for variety or if one wears out.

Always introduce kitty to kittybox first thing with any move, and try to have it someplace with privacy so she will go to it. And leave her carrier or a blanket or towel someplace quiet and warm, so she has her own space. You might want to keep her in one or two rooms to start. Make food and wter available, but NOT near the catbox. (You wouldn't care to eat by the toilet...)
2008-12-21 03:13:00 UTC
cute cat.try placing her in the litter tray every 2 hours and try to make her paw scratch the litter.she will soon start to use the litter tray.(i did this with my cat)
2008-12-20 22:43:40 UTC
take care of it.make a own house.that will be fun.if i used to have pet i used to make a nice food for it.i used to tell my feeling with it.i used to make a dress for it.i used to make it a friend.i used to play with it.i used to teach every thing what i know.that will be so fun


you can do what ever you want
2008-12-20 22:49:03 UTC

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