Every vet in town refuses to declaw my cats,is it even legal for them to do that?I just got new carpet & for now the cats have to be in cage?
2016-06-12 11:01:48 UTC
Every vet in town refuses to declaw my cats,is it even legal for them to do that?I just got new carpet & for now the cats have to be in cage?
67 answers:
2016-06-12 13:11:02 UTC
So you care about your carpet more than a living thing? Give your cats to someone who will really care and love them instead of keeping them and trying to cut off their toes. Did you know that declawing a cat can have even worse consequences? Instead of claws on your carpet how about piss and poop? Most cats stop using the litter box after they are declawed because the feeling is lost in their feet and it is extremely painful. Also they may develop aggression. Their first line of defense is taken from them so they resort to biting. Some cats personalities change all together. Finally, since cats walk naturally on their toes when you chop them off they have to walk on the soles of their feet - which causes pressure in their joints. When they get older you'll be lucky if they will be able to walk without immense pain. So yes a vet CAN deny you and I'm glad they did because they KNOW the complications and health issues it causes. Vets are there to HELP animals - not mutilate them for human gain only. The vets that do declaw only do it for the money and should not be vets because they care nothing about the well being of the animal.
2016-06-12 18:34:07 UTC
For God's sake - there is NO reason or excuse to declaw a kitten or cat. Thankfully the vets in your area are smarter then you are.
Do you realize that many declawed cats stop using a litter pan and start peeing on carpet, clothes, fabrics? Cat urine will ruin a carpet faster then any little bit of clawing.
Trim the nails or use SoftPaws nail caps. If you value your carpet more then a pet, please rehome the cats immediately.
2016-06-13 06:25:15 UTC
How many people understand that de-clawing a cat. Would be exactly like cutting all of your fingers at the first joint ( just below the fingernail )
It greatly impacts the cats quality of life. Negatively. They.will in most cases stop using the litter box. In the case of the new carpet. The cat is not intending the destroy the carpet he is attempting to mark it and claim it as his own.
If your human child started scratching,WOULD YOU CUT OFF HIS FINGERS as well.
BOTTOM LINE. NEVER GET A PET WITHOUT FIRST DOING SOME RESEARCH FIRST. Learn the ims and outs of their predominant instincts and chose the correct animal.
And when you decide to be so cruel as to have your cat declawed make arrangements to have your tthumbs cut off on the same day.
poodle power
2016-06-12 14:51:54 UTC
Your carpet is more important than you cats. In UK we don't declaw our cats it is a cruel brutal practice. I'm glad no vet will do it for you. For the sake of your cats rehome them to an owner who will care more about them not a carpet. Then you and your new carpet can live happily ever after together.
2016-06-12 13:12:40 UTC
No, it's not illegal. They can refuse service to anyone for any reason. Poor cats. How ******* smart was it to get 2 pets with claws when you are so worried about your carpets. Declawing is cruel and its illegal in many countries, hopefully the US will outlaw it soon too, althought many vets will no longer do it anyway as you've come to find! The vets in your town are smart and realize it is cruel. A lot of cats stop using the litter box after being declawed, so I guess you won't mind piss and **** on your carpets, just as long as they don't knead on them huh? Maybe rehome them to someone who will love and care about them more than their carpets.
S alan Gilbert
2016-06-12 16:44:08 UTC
You can get yourself defingered at the same time too! Wouldn't that be fair? Just rig some cables so you can move around the house without ever even touching the carpet. Carpet wasn't made to be walked on! Carpet is only there to prove to everyone that your place is cleaner than theirs. They make security carpet that will shock anyone that walks on it... in socks. So I hope the vets name is Striker and your cats are sporting new and improved claws!
2016-06-12 12:21:17 UTC
declawing an animal like a cat is disgusting and inhumane. give your cat up for adoption instead of keeping them in a CAGE!
2016-06-12 12:30:00 UTC
It is legal for a vet to refuse any service they wish to. Buy some nail caps, cutting off the tips of your cats toes is just cruel.
John M
2016-06-12 11:11:08 UTC
Learn to trim your cats claws and provide scratching posts and pads. Declawing is inhumane and cruel.
2016-06-12 22:06:56 UTC
No they don't. You just need to TRIM the claws. I have had cats for over 30 years and not one has EVER scratched my carpet. Rehome this cat if you are that pathetic that you'd mutilate a cat like this.
2016-06-12 16:51:33 UTC
You might have to travel until you find a vet that will do it. I believe there are vets doing it with laser now. Supposedly much less painful. For now you can learn to cut nails and put nail caps on or have a local groomer do it for you. Even if its just the front paws that get done as those are the worst.
As someone that has spent over 10 years working with animals, I do appreciate your effort trying to find a solution to keep the cat and provide it with a home. And yes, there is nothing like having an animal destroy what you worked so hard to have. I don't see other people's opinions of getting rid of the cat as beneficial to the cat. It does not guarantee its future especially when there are already tons in need of homes. At least the cat currently has a home with someone willing to spend decent money at a vet for non essential care.
2016-06-15 06:04:00 UTC
Declawing is the equivalent of cutting off their toes/fingers. I used to work at a vet, these cats are in extreme pain afterwards before discharged home. Declawed pets then are typically never let outside. A bigger factor is many become biters. Somehow they know they don't have claws and start biting instead. Most people would prefer a scratch to drawing blood from a cat bite. Just be aware.
2016-06-14 11:17:55 UTC
You can try claw covers - they prevent the cats from scratching or tearing things up but the claws don't get removed. The cat can still flex and retract their claws like normal. These do fall off over time (some cats chew them or just loose them faster than others) so you'll need to replace them (it could start off as once a week if the cats chew too much which may happen until they get used to them). They SHOULD last around 3-4 weeks though.
You can find some from places like PetSmart and other pet stores. You can also ask the vet for some input.
Having your cats' claws TRIMMED regularly can so help. Please have a vet do this though to ensure it's done right.
2016-06-13 15:59:02 UTC
New York is one of the last states in the country to pass law forbidding declawing cats. If you happen to read the news. Some cats are doomed to a live of pain. It's comparable to have the ends of your fingers cut off a quarter inch above the quick of your nails! Also the risk of infection is very high.
Also it's taking it's defense mechanism away against other cats or dog attacks.
2016-06-14 18:27:02 UTC
My friend has one cat that's declares and one cat that isn't. However she lives in a community where she feels that her cats would get hurt from other animals. She keeps one on a leash because they haven't gotten that one declawed. I never got my cats declawed. I don't think I ever will.
If you care more about some dumb carpet than two beautiful and loving animals then you have a problem. You shouldn't have animals if you have such a liking for a carpet more than you do your cats.
2016-06-15 15:51:44 UTC
Cats experience a lot of pain and distress when declawed. Some never fully recover from it. It is illegal to declaw cats in the county where I live and considered an act of abuse. You may care for the animals you have taken responsibility for - but if your response to not being able to declaw your animals is to keep them in cages, that's abusive as well. Please rethink your priorities. The carpet may be very expensive. However, the cats are able to feel pain and fear and love and hunger. The carpet does not.
2016-06-15 16:39:13 UTC
Good, your vets are humane loving people. Rehome your cats. You obviously care more about a carpet then you do about living things--I would hate to be living in your household because things do happen. Considering you had cats before you had the carpets replaced, you ought to have thought about this prior to buying new carpets, maybe should have considered wood floors or some other alternative if you haven't trained your cats not to use the carpets as scratching areas.
2016-06-16 09:16:57 UTC
Since I'm sure the vets have explained why they won't do it and why it's legal for them to refuse but you are obviously seeking a layperson's point of view, so I'll say they refuse because declawing it's cruel. Vets used to do it to avoid the cat going to a shelter, especially because cats disproportionately die in greater numbers in shelters than dogs, but the impact on the animal is too traumatic.
2016-06-14 20:13:59 UTC
Good god, Dobiegal, you're a f'king idiot and a c*nt. The cat you gave away in a Walmart parking lot likely developed arthritis years after he or she was declawed and that is why they stopped using their litterbox. And btw, right off the bat, I'm not some wacko animal rights activist. I'm just a normal person and not a psycho who cares more about material things than living things. Tell us why in the **** you even have pets in the first place? You're a fcking piece of work. And stupid as all hell.
2016-06-15 12:28:27 UTC
I really recommend watching the documentary The Paw Project before making this decision. Declawing is terrible for cats --it makes their paws painful for life-- and often causes huge problems for owners like peeing in places other than the litter box. You're going to end up having pee all over your new carpet, and that smell is really hard to get out. I cut my three cat's nails (just the sharp tips, not too much) every couple of weeks and put floor scratching posts in their favorite scratchy spots. If your cat doesn't like having his nails cut, try wrapping him in a towel and holding him between your thighs while kneeling on the floor. Please don't declaw your kitties, there are other ways of getting them to stop scratching up the carpet!!!
2016-06-14 16:44:32 UTC
No it isn't breaking the law. While declawing a cat isn't great and I would try and find another way it isn't breaking the law. To stop cats from scratching I would spray something citrus smelling because cats usually don't like that smell. Or you could just trim the nails. Or even this: Cats like texture so maybe cover the places you don't want them to go in with things your cat will find not so good on their paws, like double-sided sticky tape, sandpaper or a plastic carpet pointy side up.
sources: past experience http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/cats/tips/destructive_scratching.html
2016-06-15 14:03:43 UTC
Declawing cat is cruel to the cat, so no wonder no vet wants to do it. People who become vets could have become doctors but have a passion for animals and don't want to harm them. Leaving cats in a cage is cruel and if you can't handle looking after your cat, the best think to do is to put them up for adoption.
2016-06-15 09:21:07 UTC
Wow I can only hope your a troll, and this isn't a real question. You should be arrested for conspiracy to harm your pet. The Nazis used to have places for people like you.. And seriously, a cage? It's not a parrot! Get a scratching post like most pet owners, and just deal with the occasional scratching of a carpet, love your pet don't destroy it. If every vet you've met refuses your request, doesn't that tell you something??
2016-06-12 19:21:42 UTC
Just get some toenail clippers and just cut his or her claws yourself. It doesn't hurt the cat so don't worry about the animal cruelty thing. I do it to my cat sometimes and he loves me a lot. As for the people complaining about the car's feelings think about the feelings of the people you were mean to or giving hate to about declawing an animal. I understand those people because I am a pescitarian for animal cruelty reasons, but don't make a big deal about something so insignificant.
2016-10-28 17:07:23 UTC
since i'm sure the vets have explained why they will definitely not do it and why it's legal for them to refuse but you are obviously seeking a layperson's point of view, so i'll say they refuse 'cause declawing it's cruel... vets used to do it to avoid the cat going to a shelter, especially 'cause cats disproportionately die in awesomeer numbers in shelters than dogs, but the impact on the animal is too traumatic...
2016-06-13 05:44:24 UTC
You can always trim their nails with a cat nail trimmer. I had a claw trimmer for my bunny and I don't remember it being very difficult, but the claws do grow back. That would probably be a lot better, and more affordable. Just make sure to cut the claw in the right place because you can cause damage if you cut too close to the finger.
2016-06-15 20:38:08 UTC
Your cats may be too young or small yet. I owned a cat with an extra tow on each of its feet, so vets would not declaw her. You also have to have all of their vaccinations up to date and the cat needs to be in good health. Otherwise some veterinary clinics are not equipped for feline surgery.
2016-06-16 10:43:46 UTC
You are a terriable person good thing the vet is smarter then your stupid @$$. Getting a cat declawed is like pulling out humans fingernails and toenails do you know how much that would hurt even with pain meds?
2016-06-14 12:06:26 UTC
I get scratched on a daily basis by my kitten. I wouldn't trade watching her claw her toys to death and climb her kitty tower for declawing. I had one cat that was already declawed and she was boring. She didn't do anything but lay around. Don't declaw. It's cruel. If you can't handle a cat with its claws, you shouldn't own a cat.
richard m
2016-06-14 10:10:01 UTC
Yes. It may be illegal in your area to declaw your cat. Also are you that stupid that you cannot train your cats not to scratch?
Apparently you value your carpet more then your cats... Why dont you just give them to someone who cares about their well being? Because obviously you do not. They would be better off ina home that loves and understands them. A home that is willing to take the time to train them and give them what they need.
2016-06-15 10:48:55 UTC
Don't declaw your cat. There was an entire documentary made on this. It stunts the cat's walking, and could cause infection.
2016-06-13 14:40:13 UTC
Oh boo hoo. Your cats need a better owner. My cat never claws at the carpets, don't you buy them scratching posts?
2016-06-15 10:04:02 UTC
Having declawed my first cat not knowing what they actually did let me tell you this; if for some reason your cat ever got outside how would they defend them self? declawing is not only cruel but WILL make your cat more aggressive. Please read online more about declawing of cats.
2016-06-16 05:56:13 UTC
Instead of being cruel and declawing your cat, try buying nail caps. They're around ten dollars online and work fine.
2016-06-13 14:46:34 UTC
It's not illegal, but many consider it inhumane. I wouldn't worry about your cats ruining your carpets, they tend to "sharpen" their nails on vertical furniture. If your concerned, buy a couple of those cat stands where they could dig their nails into.
2016-06-14 10:08:38 UTC
Get a scratching post and sprinkle cat nip on it. My cats never bother the carpet or the furniture. The sisal rope is more fun to pull on.
I have a barn cat who is debarking a felled tree using his claws. He likes it more than the scratching post that I have for him on the porch.
2016-06-14 09:16:39 UTC
O had a cat for 21 years, he wasn't declawed and he never ruined a carpet. It's really cruel to declaw cats and I'm glad none of the vets will do the procedure.
2016-06-14 08:11:02 UTC
If you want perfect carpets and furniture then do not have a cat, and declawing a cat is animal abuse, re home the cats to a good owner, you do not deserve animals, you are abusing them by keeping them caged!
leanne j
2016-06-14 07:13:32 UTC
I hope your are reported for animal cruelty you stupid person ! Give the cats to people who adore them , than worry about a carpet you p!!!!k Go declaw yourself idiot
2016-06-14 06:44:35 UTC
Wow, there's alot of ******* answering your question. Instead of belittling, being sarcastic, and saying she mind as well give the cat to someone else why don't you try to be helpful and help her with a solution? Just because your an obvious expert and think everyone should know that it's bad to declaw an animal doesn't make it fact. I bet your the same people that hug a dog around his neck, even though dogs hate it because of being restrained. She obviously likes her kitty and is trying to find a way to not only keep the cat but her house in tact too. Alot of people with destructive animals are in the same place. Anyways, to the original poster I suggest you talk to either a vet or animal trainer and see what other things you could do to help the situation. Maybe get a large kitty lounger/scratching post, get an inexpensive rug to cover the area until the behavior is modified, etc. Cat scratch to remove a sheathing from their nails so keep in mind they have to do it "somewhere".
2016-06-14 02:16:02 UTC
I don't agree with EVER declawing a cat.I considered it once bc I rescued a special needs cat that had so many issues she wouldn't detract her claws and I found her randomly stuck to things every morning (hanging halfway up the curtains asleep, with her paws still stuck) but I found nail caps. They are cheap 99 cents off of ebay. They cant claw and most importantly to me, don't have to spend the night hanging from a curtain. :)
2016-06-13 21:52:46 UTC
Really if you're that concerned about your carpet that much then you should just give the cats to a home that actually cares about them.
Mary T
2016-06-13 20:00:19 UTC
Consider alternatives to declawing a cat which I thought about in the past... I just managed to rehome a 10year old cat in a home that is pretty much carpeted throughout from a home that had no cat scratch posts (because she would not go near one and the scratch post got sold) and she was allowed to use rugs to scratch on. With a bit of internet research and discipline, it took me around 1.5 weeks to teach her not scratch the carpet in this new home and use a cardboard cat scratcher that I provided her (which you can buy from Ebay). I am amazed at how much the cat loves using the cardboard scratcher and the fact I was able to teach a 10 year old cat who would never go near a cat scratching post in the past.
Julie S
2016-06-13 19:32:45 UTC
I certainly hope you're a troll. Only a heartless, selfish person would declaw their cats. It's people like you who should be banned from owning a pet.
2016-06-12 23:04:10 UTC
Jesus **** please give your cats to someone kind. Keeping them in cages? Wanting to remove their claws? That has so many health risks for them and it is so so cruel. This makes me sick. Forget about your stupid carpets. Humans are so horrifically materialistic versus the lives of living things. Living things YOU CHOSE to have in your life. I'm glad they're refusing you. Please educate yourself on the matter or give them to someone who will care for them, NOT to a shelter!
2016-06-15 21:05:30 UTC
OMG.. Quit freaking out people. Just the front claws removed, leave the back. The recovery time is so minimal its not a big deal. Make sure you only keep her\him inside. Let's see how many people defend getting them removed after they ruin your 1000$ couch. The end
2016-06-14 12:26:27 UTC
I don't even approve of pet cats but your attitude to them is horrifically cruel.
What if you were caged in one room - couldn't run the length of yourself AND had your eyes pulled out (so you couldn't sense and the world around you).
2016-06-13 07:46:44 UTC
Yes it is perfectly legal for them to do that and I applaud them for it
2016-06-14 17:08:24 UTC
"I just got new carpet." Get rid of the cat then, it's easy to see where your priorities are. You are a horrible person! Give the cat to someone who will care for it, and NOT abuse it!
2016-06-13 15:42:00 UTC
how about we rip your nails out? that sounds like fun and pain free doesn't it? Trim the cats nails every week or get a hamster instead.
2016-06-13 08:31:52 UTC
It is completely legal for a business owner to refuse services to any person for any reason.
2016-06-13 12:15:20 UTC
You sound like a bad owner. Give them to someone who actually loves animals. You seem like you just like having power over a little thing.
2016-06-12 11:02:50 UTC
Yes its legal. Why should they be forced to mutilate cats due to lazy owners like you? Surrender the cat to a rescue since you want it mutilated and to cause it to suffer since you are lazy
2016-06-14 17:27:34 UTC
How would you like someone to pull your fingernails out?
Cats claws are sharp for a reason, bloody well leave them alone. Grrr
2016-06-13 11:16:36 UTC
trim their nails, or get them little plastic tips. also provide them with vertical and horizontal scratching posts and put catnip on them to encourage scratching. spray them with water if they scratch the carpet. declawng cats is lazy and cruel.
2016-06-12 14:07:19 UTC
yes they ca refuse to do procedures. You may have to travel some to find a vet who will.
2016-06-12 22:49:14 UTC
If you love your stuff more than your cats, keep the stuff and rehome the cats with someone who will love them more than stuff.
2016-06-14 12:05:13 UTC
Instead of declawing, you can put nail caps on your cats claws. Please do some research on what declawing entails before you do it.
2016-06-15 05:42:00 UTC
give those poor poor cats to someone who cares and will give them the love and life they deserve immediately! locking them up in a cage is pure cruelty i suggest you rehome them now!
2016-06-12 14:16:57 UTC
Not sure if troll or idiot.
It is legal for them to refuse and they refuse because its cruel.
2016-06-16 17:41:27 UTC
You can get little colored caps in any color to go over the nails!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look into it! Way less expensive and non stressful for your cats! Hope this helps
2016-06-15 08:17:50 UTC
Keep your beloved carpet and please donate the cats to someone that really care about those, No cat needs a person like you...
2016-06-12 11:10:35 UTC
If you are planning to keep them forever in your home, they won't depend on themselves haunting outdoors if they don't have claws, its something terrible in my opinion, don't be selfish and do such thing
2016-06-15 21:26:15 UTC
Maybe YOU should be declawed.
2016-06-15 14:30:35 UTC
Find another vet
2016-06-15 15:07:28 UTC
Get claw caps you inconsiderate asshole.
2016-06-12 12:15:00 UTC
they do have caps you can put on their claws
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