long story shortened a bit, i was going to school one day and i had went to say goodbye to my cat. i picked up my best friend and unknowingly said my final goodbyes to him. its like he knew he was going to die himself, because he clung to me and licked me on my cheek. i set him down and walked and got into the truck, but nobody managed to see where my cat went. all the sudden i felt a bump, and he was gone... the saddest day of my life. this happened almost 2 months ago... and im stuck in this whole about it. i cant get over him. he was one of the best things that ever happened in my life. Like, the first night i brought him home my parents wouldnt let him run around freely, so he was stuck in a cage for acouple nights. i slept right next to him with my finger in the cage so he knew i was there for those couple of nights. anyways, i cant get over him and i dont think i will. what do i do to ease my pain?