2010-02-19 07:53:38 UTC
To the point: At first, she had some pretty bad diarrhea that smelled absolutely nauseating. Multiple vet visits and fecal samples later, we couldn’t find the reason. We treated for giardia with metronidazole, but she was so tiny that we had to give her 1/8 of a pill each dose. It got a little better, so we upped the dosage once she got a little bigger, then did a third round after that. She has been off of the 3rd round of medicine for a month now. At this point, the diarrhea is exactly as it has been since the first round. A little squishy, a little greasy, shaped like pretzels (instead of cow-pies like before), a little stinky, but not even close to what it was at first. It’s strange to me that no matter how many rounds of treatment we do, she keeps up the mild symptoms whether she’s on or off the medication. It makes me think we’re treating the wrong thing, but it did help at first! The vet has never found anything but “too much bacteria” in her fecal samples. We’re giving her beneficial bacteria now, and switched to a less rich food. Next step is to look into a protein allergy/irritable bowel, but she doesn’t seem to change whether her food is rich in protein (Evo) or crappy (Iams).
Here’s the scary part- the vet mentioned that we might should test for FIP. If you’ve heard of it, you know that it is always fatal, and can’t be conclusively diagnosed until post mortem tissue samples can be examined. They can do a $180 blood test for the presence of Coronavirus, which is what can mutate into FIP, but 95% of kittens from catteries have this virus and it never becomes anything else. I’m not sure I even want to know. It would probably just make me more worried. She doesn’t seem to show any other symptoms. Her eyes are goopy from time to time and she seems to get nasal congestion along with it. She plays a lot, but she also sleeps a lot since she’s a ragdoll. We’re getting her spayed next week, and I’m afraid to pay so much money and then watch her take a turn for the worse.
What do her symptoms sound like to you? Should we test, or is it just expensive and pointless? Is there anything else she might have that we could treat? Should we try a different form of treatment for giardia and assume the allergy-like symptoms are unrelated? She’s 5 months old and most kittens with FIP show the most severe signs between 8-18 months and typically die within 2 weeks of presenting those symptoms. I’m so confused and so worried about her!