Is it illegal to feed kittens to snakes?
Eddy K
2011-10-25 08:46:08 UTC
Just a question, my friend use to feed his python mice and teddy bear hamsters but since he lost his job he can no longer afford them. I do not agree with what he is currently doing but I know it is morally incorrect and I want to say something to him. Hes been scouting out ads in papers and craigslist for free kittens and giving them a new home but in the home of a 4 foot pythons belly. Its wrong and I would like to know how I can approach him on this manner. Currently he has fed his snake more than 18 kittens and enough is enough. there has to be some kind of law against this. When i told him my feelings he said kittens are slightly larger than teddy bear hamsters so it was ok.
Eleven answers:
2011-10-25 08:57:19 UTC
Report your "friend" to the local Humane Society and/or SPCA. Hopefully they will send animal control to remove the snake from your friend's home and find it a new home where it will be responsibly cared for. To bad your friend doesn't have the common sense to surrender the animal directly.
2016-12-10 08:07:34 UTC
Live Feed Kittens
2011-10-25 09:25:01 UTC
Unfortunately its not illegal for the most part. This is why you should never offer "free" kittens or puppies - there is a good chance they may end up as snake food.

If people were more responsible and spayed/neutered or checked out the new owners more, this would not occur. If you at least put a price tag of $10-20 per kitten, it would discourage people like your friend. But as long as stupid people offer free babies, you run the risk of handing over free snake food.

It would depend on if the friend were feeding the kittens live or are they being frozen and quickly killed first. If feeding live, its cruelty and should be reported.

Added: - while you gave me a thumbs down, think about it - would your answers be any different if it involved live chickens for free?????? I know it sounds horrible to do, but the reality is that there are more free kittens/puppies ending up as python snake food then you probably want to admit or consider. I'm telling the truth - not just sugar coating it!
2015-06-24 11:14:49 UTC
it's not illegal! the wellare law only knows mammals and dont draw a difference betwen the species, only exeption primates! so by the law there isnt any difference betwen feeding a rat or a cat. the sub note about domestics is to protect them aginst human handle only it has absolutely no effect on use them as a feeder! you need to read the written law in it's whole and dont stop reading at the points that state your wishes. ;)

btw who cares about some overpopulated kittens? by an objective view it's more sicken we need to put down millions of them each year and breed another millions of rodents just for the suppose to be feeders. if people were more responsible and spay/neuter their pets then there wouldnt be a reason to get rid of one surprizing litter after another and we would have a different situation but so...
2011-10-25 08:57:31 UTC
It is illegal to harm a domestic animal or any animal in such away.

The snake could be harmed by not feeding it a consistent diet or by giving it a live animal. A pet snake should eat only frozen-then-thawed small rodents and standard food.

Your friend is wrong and measures will have to be taken. One-time offenders aren't typically arrested. You can talk to a humane officer and get the animal surrendered because of hard times. Another option is to solicit for free snake food from the humane society or pet stores until your friend is employed and able to afford the proper care of the animal.

You could also talk to other pet snake owners who are able to afford care of their own snakes and perhaps befriend someone who will help him feed the snake.

Another option would be to breed small rats and mice for the only purpose of feeding the snake.
2011-10-25 08:49:28 UTC
Its not actually against the law in many places. You could try going about this a different way, though. Kittens are far lower in fat and may of the nutrients that snakes need than an animals like, say, a guinea pig, rabbit, or large rat. They are also more likely to fight back and injure the snake during feeding. I've heard of people doing this before with puppies and kittens, and sometimes just a scratched eye from an errant claw can cause an infection that will kill the snake.

In many areas, you can find free rabbits advertised. Try craigslist! I see free bunnies and rats posted all the time.
2011-10-25 09:11:19 UTC
Report him to the police! Feeding kittens to a stupid snake! Who does he think he is?!?! And 18 of them, for me one is too many! Kill the snake!
2011-10-25 09:49:05 UTC
Your "friend" is in need of some tough talking from you. This is nothing more than animal cruelty. Have a word with him, if he doesnt stop this behaviour then you should report him. I cant say anymore because I feel so angry about this!!!
Lily B.
2011-10-25 09:02:31 UTC
TALK TO HIM. Personally I believe that that is animal abuse, and in some states it is. check and see if that is animal abuse where you live and if he refuses to stop report him to the proper authorities. you know whats going on, you should try and stop it. you might want to give him a warning first before reporting him. although that might not work, if he's desperate he may lie and say he will stop when he actually isnt going to. well thats my advice, good luck!
2011-10-25 08:49:19 UTC
It is soo wrong!!!!!!!

That is animal cruelty!!!

18 Inicent Kittens!

Kittens are pets not food!!!

Call the cops or sumtin!!
2011-10-25 09:03:55 UTC
That is animal cruelty.Stop him do it because that is disgusting and silly why does he have to feed his python that.That's bad

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