2012-10-19 23:37:58 UTC
1) The kitten's gonna run out of the house when its grown, roam the streets and possibly never return.
2) The kittent's gonna scratch the furniture and knock things over
3) There's gonna be hair all over the place
4) The poo is gonna spread germs everywhere
5) Oh crap, my mom just said that my grandmother will also wouldn't wanna come to our house cos she doesn't really like cats or kittens
6) Unwanted kittens will be made when its grown and it would contribute to the overpopulation of the stray cats
7) Who's gonna take care of the kitten when we travel
8) Who's gonna change the litter, feed it... etc
I already did tons of research about kitten ownership but I freaking don't know who to listen to. I heard from someone if I'm getting kittens I should get two so that they can keep each other occupied, is it true? Oh and my parents say cats can't be trained to stay indoors blah blah blah, while some ppl on the internet say they can. ARGH I am SO FREAKING confused! T.T. I brought up the subject dunno how many times even during my exam period to show that I'm really serious about having a kitten and I'm willing to take care of it myself but its like most of the stuff I said doesn't seem to be getting in. Plus I explained about spaying the kitten when its old enough to undergo the surgery so that it won't have unwanted kittens but I don't know if my parents got that too. Also, is it true that cats won't go to the streets and roam if they are spayed? My parents told me that no matter what, the cat will still go outside and if I don't let it have some freedom, it'll go into depression and be unhappy. I have done research for weeks and its like as if I can't solve the concerns that my parents mentioned. My older sister wants a dog but I want a kitten so there's a little argument about which animal we should get but I really want a kitten! The last solution I have is to talk to my classmates who I know have cats but I don't know if that's gonna help, it'll probably add more to 'Why I should not have a kitten' problem. Please help me! Give me advice, tips or anything that will help me convince my parents to let me have a kitten and to also know how to care for one but some advice for adult cats will be nice too... I don't want my weeks of research go to waste..... T.T