2009-08-11 10:16:07 UTC
kitty a: it came into my house the other day. it was about 6 feet tall and very scaly. it had quite a lot of claws and teeth. it made weird sounds. to get into my house, it had to open the door, and once it did, i had to hide in a kitchen cupboard because i was afraid he'd eat me.
kitty b: this kitty comes to my house about once every year. he is fat, and red and white. last year he attacked me and stole my milk and cookies, before laughing at me in a very characteristic way.
kitty c: it lives in my freezer. it is black and white. i cannot keep fish in there anymore because this kitty will eat it. his face is long and pointy.
kitty d: it was quite small, black and shiny. i think it may have had more legs than a regular kitty. when i picked it up to stroke it, it bit me and i was very ill for a while. this kitty does not like tuna.
kitty f: i saw this kitty in a show about the sea. it was also black and white and very big. it could jump in and out of water, but it had to beg the people to give it food, because in its pool were no fish.
kitty e: there are lots of these kitties. i see them in trees all the time. they come in a bunch of shapes and sizes and they are mostly green. in the autumn, some go red, some go yellow, some go brown, and they all fall down. this leaves me distressed. these kitties do not like tuna either.
so can you help? i need the names of the kitties so that i can name them in my book of kitties that i am writing, but is so far incomplete.
thanking you