2011-07-13 20:38:27 UTC
We have a new cat with kittens whom we just recently took today. The problem is, we already have a female cat who has lived with us for a year. This Cat, our one that's lived with us is also a mother and we just gave away her kittens about a week ago so it hasn't been long since she hasn't had her kittens. (Not to mention she still carries milk)
My thought to first get them used to each other, was to have Sia (our old cat) smell the new kittens while the mother was in my room. She took to this nicley, and seemed to accept them while even licking one. Seeing this, I thought scent would not be a big issue. So I opened my door and as soon as Sia (My old cat) spotted the new mother cat, she raced to attack and I had to seperate them very quickly.
Right now I have the new mother and her kittens in my room, while Sia is not in my room. They do not get along, as it seems. The new mother also seems intimidated, hiding under my bed. I am worried that Sia now thinks they are her kittens, and feels as if it is her duty to protect them from this strange "new comer."
I realize this may not have been the smartest idea to start off with, but please anything helps! I would love nothing more than to know what to do in this situation. Thank you.