2014-05-29 17:32:32 UTC
10 days ago we adopted a pair of cats, one is aged 4 years, the other 2.5. We already have a dog and neither cat has experience of dogs as far as we know, certainly not with their last owners.
Both cats were brought directly to a safe room within the house and stayed in there with the door shut for the first few days (we visited frequently). No problems with eating, drinking, or using the litter box.
The older cat (Bob) is incredibly easy going and was friendly from the first moment, no hiding or anything. The younger (Harry) was very shy and we didn't see him at all during the day but he would come out at night and was extremely affectionate.
For the last few days we have left the door open and both have ventured out and both have even had tentative meetings with the dog (our dog is big but completely non aggressive and she has been very good, not chasing but rather lying and wagging her tail on seeing the cats, the occasional sniff.
Bob the confident one of the two has for the last couple of days been going outside (however seems to go straight to the litter box when he comes back in).
Since starting to go outside, Bob has been peeing in all kinds of places. On the couch, the floor in the living room and hall, and has just now gone In behind the tv and peed there - where there are a bunch of wires. It's actually getting dangerous now. advice?